Sunday, March 17, 2024

Statue of Obese ‘Woman of Color’ to Be Installed in London’s Trafalgar Square.

The National Pulse: Statue of Obese ‘Woman of Color’ to Be Installed in London’s Trafalgar Square.

A statue of an obese “metropolitan woman of color” will be installed in London’s iconic Trafalgar Square, alongside a monument to Admiral Lord Nelson, the Hero of Trafalgar, and statues of King George IV and war heroes General Sir Charles James Napier and Major-General Sir Henry Havelock.
It will feature a black female with prominent buttocks wearing platform shoes and a revealing blue dress.
It will not be permanent, with the city authorities rotating a series of often woke installations on the fourth plinth. ‘Towards an Uncertain Future,’ a shapeless green mass by Romanian sculptor Andra Ursuța, is set to replace it in 2028.

The Objet d'art ⏫ .

Does it have the Stacey Abrams, Lizzo and Oprah Seal of Approval?

Will be replaced by "a shapeless green mass." Like...moss?

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