Friday, March 22, 2024

ATF Warrant for Bryan Malinowski, Clinton Associate shot and killed.

The GBBL: We Have The Warrant! Why ATF Had Shootout With Airport Exec.

According to the video at GBBL, Bryan Malinowski was making straw gun purchases. Instead of arresting him while he was leaving for work, or outside his home, or at work - they surround his home early in the AM and shoot him in the head. Welcome to Biden's America.


Phuc Dims said...

Guess they figured it was just one guy, they could take him, because the Branch Davidians handed these government killers their asses.

Drake's Place said...

Phuc , My reply here has nothing to do with The GBBL, who I absolutely respect, nor the video at the link - but who knows...I wouldn't put it past ATF to include falsehoods in their warrant to justify their actions on behalf of some other entity.

WACO was an attack on innocent Americans by the U.S. Military orchestrated by Clinton, Reno, David Chipman, Wesley Clark and Ann Richards.

They could've approached David Koresh any time they wanted, he was known to walk to town almost every day.