Wednesday, September 6, 2017

World News Links - September 6, 2017

(If links don't load on first click, try again. All sites seem to be slow in loading. Maybe heavy traffic due to hurricane.)

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"China, Russia, soon all countries w strong computer science. Competition for AI superiority at national level most likely cause of WW3 imo."
 — Elon Musk (@elonmusk) September 4, 2017
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Gold News: America's date with doom?
Congress has until Sept. 29 to raise the debt ceiling.

Should it fail, the dreaded "X date" follows shortly thereafter.

The"X date" – when the national collection box starts running dry – and the United States Treasury can no longer meet all its expenses.
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Gold News: Is crypto-currency purely speculative? 
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The Scotsman: Social media uproar over jogger shoving schoolboy out of his way
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Business Insider: Mercedes to compete with Uber
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Metro: Story and pics of a man who got the bends
He rose too quickly causing the nitrogen that had dissolved in his blood to form bubbles. That nitrogen swelled into large sacks inside his body, causing great pain and swelling.

The effect is known as decompression sickness or ‘the bends’ and is one of the dangers most feared by divers.
Image: CEN
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IBT: Is the Zika virus a cure for brain cancer?
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Smithsonian: An inside look at Pyongang
...what does one see on a visit to North Korea?

That’s what British photographer Tariq Zaidi was eager to uncover.
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Sydney Morning HeraldPossible major breakthrough in quantum computing

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