Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Hillary's Presidential Campaign resulted not in a
loss, but in "a successful failure."

Hillary Clinton's losing presidential aspirations are being termed a successful failure by Sirius XM radio host Mark Thompson.
It appears some Hillary Clinton supporters still haven’t accepted that she lost the election. Here's an example: Sirius XM radio host Mark Thompson joined an MSNBC panel Saturday to provide liberal spin on the results of the presidential race.
“We talked about sore winners in the earlier segment. We really didn’t lose. This was sort of a successful failure,” he said of Clinton's loss.
"The majority of Americans voted a Democratic way. Voted for Hillary Clinton. Voted for Democratic senators, voted for Democratic House of Representatives," [he continued].
Mark Thompson

Ummmm, no, the majority of Americans did not vote for Democrat candidates. The Republican majority in both House and Senate, and the White House, prove that - while yes, there were those who voted for Democrat Senators and House of Representatives - the election message sent was one of that that had had it with free reign Liberalism under the Obama Administration, and to some degree, the liberalism of big-time spenders with the George W. Bush presidency.  He spent money as quickly as do the Libs.

How much has anyone seen or heard from Hillary Clinton in recent days?  Do you think she's curled up on a couch with a blanket and a bottle of Wild Turkey with several empty "soldiers" on the coffee table?  Is she locked in a padded cell for her own protection?

She can't possible run again in 2016, 2020 -- she'd be around 74 years old.  And that, according to the Left is far too old as they evidenced by making a point of the presidential candidacy of John McCain who, at the time, was 70.

Sporadic. dementia-ridden, confirmed Socialist Bernie Sanders
Of course, drooling and sputtering and the tangential ramblings of a 74 year old Bernie Sanders was perfectly acceptable, because of his far reach Socialism politics and its embracing by the large group of unthinking youths who comprised his base.

"This was sort of a successful failure."  Well, if I can uncork the champaign and celebrate future Democrat successful failures...may you have a long future of "successful failures."

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