Saturday, October 12, 2024

This map trope...again.

This map is circulating AGAIN on social media. It's fake and meant to mislead Christians and others into siding with the Gews and against Muslims. The map does reflect the locations of some church fires. Some were minor fires, some were caused by a cigarette, NOT arson by Muslims. The map also includes incidents of vandalism deceptively identifying and including them as "church arson by Muslims."

The map doesn't reflect, "all the churches burned down in France by Muslims." Not at all. But hey, if you buy the 40 beheaded and baked babies - or were they baked and then beheaded, I've heard both versions - you'll buy anything the ZionPress and their toadies pass along in attempts to further false narratives.

Logically Facts: This map doesn't show churches 'burned down' in France over the last four years.

al-Reuters: Map shows all alleged crimes against churches in France, not just fires

AFP Fact Check: Map of 'anti-Christian acts' falsely shared as France church arson cases.

Full FactSome incidents on the map include "yelling."

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