Monday, October 7, 2024

Atrocity, Inc.

Information Liberation: New Film 'Atrocity Inc' Exposes How Israel Lied About October 7th to Justify Genocide.

The Grayzone's Max Blumenthal on Monday released a new documentary film titled "Atrocity Inc" he made in collaboration with Propaganda & Co and Sut Jhally which exposes how Israel spread atrocity propaganda about the October 7th attacks to justify committing genocide in Gaza.
The film exposes how Israel lied about Hamas beheading 40 babies on October 7th, lied about Hamas "cooking babies in ovens," lied about Hamas committing "mass r*pe," and killed many of their own people under the Hannibal Directive.

The film further documents how the Jewish state is r*ping and torturing Palestinian prisoners in "torture camps" in Israel with widespread public support among Israeli Jews.
    there were no r*pes on October 7 as confirmed by Haaretz and others citing Israeli officials themselves, but actual mass systematic pedophilic r*pe of babies, children, girls, boys, women and men by your precious Israelis has been confirmed and documented:
    — (@zei_squirrel) October 7, 2024 

LINK TO VIDEO. <<<  Log/Sign-In required.

Just watched it, it's just under 45 minutes and can easily be understood at a faster playback speed. 

Israel and Netanyahu sold the world a pack of lies about the events of October 7, 2023. Their puppets in government and media parroted those lies around the world, justifying Netanyahu's genocide of Palestinians. Yes, it's that simple.

Blumenthal btw, is about as Far Left as you can get. He's also Jewish, not some Right Wing Hitler Lovin' White Christian Nationalist Nazi, which is the first thought you Netanyahu/Israel boot-lickers leapt to, right? 🤣 

Most of you won't watch it. You'd rather believe lies than admit you're wrong.

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