Saturday, July 23, 2022

Martin Weber of Cathedral City, CA is upset because the Midwest doesn't want to share the Mississippi and Great Lakes water.

Oh, the REEEE is just so satisfying!

Desert News (Archived): Martin Weber of Cathedral City, CA is upset because the Midwest doesn't want to share the water in the Great Lakes.

Reader submissions
Published 5:00 a.m. PT July 22, 2022

To our supposed "fellow" Americans in Minnesota and other states bordering the Mississippi River who've sent letters to The Desert Sun: Your less-than-friendly replies to the idea of Mississippi water being sent by canal to meet up with the Colorado River is no surprise to us in the West.
You're right! We shouldn't make "our problem" your problem! (Then why the kvetching, Martin? - DD)

For that reason, I'm advocating for ocean desalination preferably via the Gulf of California. Pulling seawater that could be desalinated either in Mexico or California (or both) is much closer than transiting water from the Mississippi.

Despite the fact that our cities that were built, in your opinion, with no thought in mind, we are capable of putting together a plan to resolve our shortage. Why did we develop cities in the desert?  What part of better weather year-round here in the West (rather than plowing through snow, flooding, and tornados [sic] didn't occur to you? (Oh Nooez, snow, flooding, tornadoes which can happen anywhere. How are the quakes, semi-annual mudslides and the fires, Martin? - DD) Maybe you should look at the numbers of households moving south. (Martin, maybe you should look at the California exodus. - DD)

So please keep your muddy water. We'll figure this out via our own state governments. But just remember, what goes around comes around, should you need our assistance in the future. I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for an answer. You might find our number unlisted. 

Signed, Martin Weber, Cathedral City

Oh, you want a gigantic water canal or pipeline across a majority of states from the Midwest to California for the water you so desperately need. 

Maybe those desalination plants should have been built decades ago but no, the envirotards blocked them because the life and existence of some esoteric, unique, indigenous species of fauna, plankton or tadpole outranked the need for Californians to have potable water. You made your desert, live in it because it's all about the "year-round better weather."

Gee, Mr. Weber, if only California was near a large body of water instead of the landlocked hellhole it is.

Some people like four seasons, Martin. Others apparently like to be thirsty and bitch and whine about it.

Oh, gee, the Midwest won't have California's assistance in the future. Why, that's a Blessing. When the fuck has the Midwest asked California help for anything. Anyone? 

We'll keep our muddy water! Thanks for conceding so early.

Stay thirsty Martin; stay thirsty! You can always recycle your urine and drink it. Email Bill Gates, Martin, he has the whole process figured out.

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