Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Freakishly Creepy Joe Biden ogles young girl.

Explain this one, Mr. Biden.

Save and download, before Creepy Joe has Big Tech algorithms cleanse the internet of it.

This image appears actual, not photoshopped. While this image doesn't appear in general image searches (maybe it is being scrubbed?), I plugged it into TinEye and it's posted all over the web. Good luck, Joe, in purging the pic from the InfOrMaTIoN sUpERhIgHwAy.

And then there is the below, equally disturbing pic, (appropriated via The Federalist).

Will the media stop and drop covering The Saga of Creepy Joe now, since Handsy Joe feigned Mea Culpa

I mean, it's been over two months and no one - anywhere - can or will identify the people in the below medical college yearbook. 

Oh...if the people dressed wearing blackface or as the Klansman were anything but a Dem, the news cycle and social media outrage would still be kicking out high-speed 24/7 coverage.

Liberal Family Values!
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ADDED: Dated January 7, 2015, the Washington Free Beacon...Biden's boundary crossing and behavior is worse than I think people realize.

Kind of interesting how he frequently mentions, "Hope you have a big fence around the house," yet he is anti-border. We need a fence/wall and we need to keep Joe inside of it.

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