Friday, January 25, 2019

Alyssa Milano statement on Covington Red Caps leads to new IQ category, says science.

Sorry, not sorry, Alyssa Milano, an irrelevant actress who declares (FOX News): 
"...that everyone who proudly wears the red hat identifies with an ideology of white supremacy and misogyny,” she stated. “Everyone who proudly wears those hats gives a tacit endorsement for the hatred and the violence we’ve seen these past few years.”
See, I’m not apologizing to the Red Hats. I’m apologizing for them.”
Again, just as the kneejerk reaction to how the Covington Catholic High School  students looked in the initial viral video, we are lectured by a self-proclaimed Uber Lib, whose past, life-long preached mantra, that was drilled into the collective soul of society is:


And what does Milano do, in the face of a whole new understanding of the viral video and the new information on the accurate, full story behind it? She "Bird Boxes" and sprints off the cliff by judging the student only on their appearance. Well, someone once said there's nothing like a Self-Righteous Liberal.

This is what happens when Milano has no script-written-by-other(s) from which to read:

Washington Times: Milano not sorry. "Red Hats are the new White Hoods."

More evidence of no discernible brain wave activity in Milano. (The Wrap): 
"I sent out a tweet that read, “The red MAGA hat is the new white hood.” Right-wing pundits and anonymous trolls alike screamed for my head–literally and figuratively. My husband received death threats on his cell phone. Many demanded an apology.

Here’s the thing: I was right.

So, I won’t apologize to these boys. Or anyone who wears that hat. But I will thank them. I will thank them for lighting a fire underneath the conversation about systemic racism and misogyny in this country and the role President Donald Trump has had in cultivating it and making it acceptable.

Trump comes by his white nationalism honestly. Maybe even genetically. In 1927 his father Fred Trump was arrested along with six other men after a Klan parade in Jamaica, New York, aimed at keeping Catholic immigrants out of America. While the younger Trump denies his father was ever there, arrest records are clear, and a news report of the time reported that all seven men arrested were “berobed.” It appears irrefutable that the father of the President of the United States was in the Ku Klux Klan."
Is she aware that people like Albert Gore, Senior (racist father of Albert Gore, Junior - the global warming alarmist) is one of many Dems who voted AGAINST Civil Rights?

Milano can't even abide by the most basic rules of etiquette. Daily Mail:
Alyssa Milano was caught filming during Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.

While photography is permitted, only accredited journalists may record video.

Milano had to be told by a security guard to stop filming Kavanaugh's testimony.
More of teh stupid here,

Milano's 2017 attempt to "go viral" and get Trump ousted? EPIC Failure.

I wonder if Milano feels she plays a role in instigating the numerous death and bomb threats made against the students, parents and others who are members of, or associated with, the Covington Catholic Students?

It's also quite strange (not really) I haven't heard Milano say or tweet one word about Democrat Kink Sex Perv Ed Buck.

Just tackle the popular, divisive issues, Alyssa. Hop on any bandwagon that started long ago in desperate attempts to make yourself relevant.

The New England Journal of Medicine, in association with the American Medical Association, Johns Hopkins Medicine, the Mayo Clinic Organization, the University of Oxford and the American Veterinary Medical Association issued a new IQ entry and classification

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