Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Guess who's on trial for (GASP!), CORRUPTION!

"Benjamin Netanyahu" - NetanyaWHO? His REAL NAME is  Benzion Mileikowsky, keep reading. He's charged with corruption, bribery, fraud and attempts to garner favorable press coverage. I know...I know...SHOCKING!

Al Jazeera: Benjamin Netanyahu’s corruption trial, what you need to know.

The Israeli prime minister is facing corruption charges that could see him sentenced to up to 10 years in prison.
He is up against three separate cases of corruption filed in 2019: Case 1000, Case 2000, and Case 4000, which include allegations of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust.

He denies any wrongdoing and claims to be the victim of a politically orchestrated “witch-hunt” by rivals and the media to remove him from office. [Of course The Son of Perdition Plays The Victim Card! LMAO! 🤣 - DD]
Case 1000:

Also known as the “Gifts Affair”, this case charges the Israeli prime minister with fraud and breach of trust.

It involves allegations that Netanyahu and his wife Sara received lavish gifts from two wealthy businessmen in exchange for political favours.

The businessmen are Arnon Milchan, an Israeli Hollywood film producer, and Australian billionaire James Packer. The gifts allegedly include champagne and cigars.

Milchan testified that he provided gifts to Netanyahu in June 2020.

Netanyahu is accused of advancing Milchan’s interests by helping secure a United States visa after speaking to US government officials.

He is also accused of advancing a tax exemption law that could have benefitted Israelis abroad, including Milchan.
The goods were valued at approximately 700,000 shekels ($186,000)[.]
Case 2000:

It says Netanyahu made a deal with businessman Aron Mozes, a controlling shareholder of the Israeli daily Yedioth Ahronoth, for favourable coverage in exchange for legislation to slow the growth of the rival Israel Hayom newspaper.

This case also charges him with fraud and breach of trust.
Case 4000:

This case indicts Netanyahu for granting regulatory favours to Israeli telecommunications company Bezeq in return for positive coverage of him and his wife on a news website controlled by its former chairman.

Netanyahu, in his capacity as communications minister at the time, allegedly provided regulatory benefits to Shaul Elovitch, the owner of Bezeq who also controlled the news website Walla.

The benefits reportedly included mergers and financial gains.

In exchange, Elovitch provided favourable coverage of Netanyahu and his wife.

More after the Pagebreak >> His name is Benzion Mileikowsky, not Benjamin Netanyahu. Ben-zion! 🤣 ⏬

Chris Wick News: Wake Up: Benjamin Netanyahu’s Real Name Isn’t What You Think—And Neither Is His Story

Oh, so you think his name is Benjamin Netanyahu, huh? That’s cute. But here’s the kicker—his real name? It’s Benzion Mileikowsky. Yeah, I know, it doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue like “Netanyahu” does. But before we get all comfortable with headlines and flashy soundbites, let’s hit pause for a sec and dig a little deeper. You ready for a truth bomb?

Benjamin Netanyahu… Is Polish? Wait, What?

Yep, you read that right. The man we all know as the face of Israel’s politics? He’s Polish. Let that sink in for a minute. The dude whose name is constantly tied to Israel, a nation that sits in the Middle East—surrounded by the buzzwords of Semitic culture and identity—is actually from European stock. His father was born in Warsaw, Poland, and Netanyahu’s original family name wasn’t even remotely Semitic. “Benzion Mileikowsky” was switched up to something that rolls off the Western tongue a little easier. I mean, who doesn’t love a good rebrand, right?
The Semitic Card: Who’s Playing Who?

And here’s the kicker. You know that word that gets thrown around a lot—Semitic? The very term refers to people who originate from the Middle East. But Netanyahu’s ancestry? European. Polish. So, when certain talking heads throw around accusations about what’s “anti-Semitic” or who is “truly Semitic,” it’s worth asking: who’s making those rules? Who benefits from the labels we slap on people or, more importantly, from the ones we avoid?

The idea of Semitism has been used as a shield for criticism—and rightfully so in many cases—but when the narrative itself doesn’t match the reality, what are we left with? Who gets to control the story, and why are they doing it?

This is right out of "X-Files" episode, "Dreamland, Part 2", (admittedly a fictional series) where viewers are informed, "there never was a Saddam Hussein."

From the script:

MORRIS AS MULDER: There is no Saddam Hussein. This guy's name is John Gillnitz. We found him doing dinner theater in Tulsa. Did a mean King and I. Plays good ethnics.

LANGLY: You're trying to say that Saddam Hussein's a government plant?

MORRIS AS MULDER: I'm saying I invented the guy. We set him up in '79. He rattles his saber whenever we need a good distraction. Ah... If you boys only knew how many of your stories I dreamed up while sitting on the pot.

We've likely seen many versions of John Gillnitz over history. The Cabal needs acting World Villains to promote their globalist agenda.


molson said...

Oh that's not corruption. Benzie was just participating in a tribe approved form of fractional reserve banking.

Drake's Place said...

Molson, "Benzie." Good one! Fractional reserve banking, LOL.