Saturday, July 15, 2023

I missed it because...

...I'm still measuring. 

July 14: National Tape Measure Day.

Today is National Give Something Away, Day.

Stop by my garage. You won't have to aks. You'll have to physically stop me from loading stuff into/onto your car and trailer.


Z@X said...

Man, we are in a parallel universe. Been putting stuff by the curb with FREE painted on a 4' x 4' piece of plywood. AMAZING how much stuff we've cluttered up over the past 25-years.

Shredding the old documents is horribly slow ... I need something akin to a tree shredder to handle that task.


Drake's Place said...

Zack, Lots of the "stuff" is easier to get rid of than the papers & documents.

Waiting for our bank to have one of their free shredding days where they park a truck shredder in their lot and as long as you're a customer you can drop off boxes of docs to shred, no charge. Either that or all the papers in a bon fire in the back yard that will big enough to be seen from the Int'l Space Station.

Gotta admit, the mystery boxes are fun to go through. Oooooh. Is THAT where it's been during all these years I was looking for it. . LOL. Oh FUG !! ;)

Good hearing from ya. Take care.