Friday, July 8, 2022

Stage 4 Cancers Taking Off Like Wildfire.

Red Voice Media: Stage 4 Cancers Taking Off Like Wildfire: “We’re Going to See a Consistent Two to Threefold Increase” [VIDEO].

"Don't get another shot because it is causing that immune suppression that's allowing those cancer mechanisms."

In an excellent one-hour interview, Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Ryan Cole discussed the surging cancer cases in correlation with these COVID jabs.
Dr. Cole states that he’s been speaking with many clinicians about what they are observing: “Many of their patients who have been cancer-free for three, four or five years, their pet scan looks great, no detectable disease. After that second or third shot, all of a sudden, they’re stage four disease like wildfire.”

Dear Sheeple Jabbies, go get another booster!

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