Friday, July 28, 2017

Making Fun of Lard Lad Michael Moore never gets old for me...

It doesn't. Making fun of Michael Moore has always been, and continues to be, tons of fun. No pun intended, seriously, but damn if the few tiny receptors remaining firing in my brain don't come up with something without effort every once-so-often.

He's the only person ever who has successfully beaten the flesh-eating virus .

And then at my old site I ran across this, Moore's trip to Cuba.

Moore enjoys a Cuban-style Banana Split, made with ice cream, bananas, whipped cream,
cherries and a small Cuban child.
Moore is a legitimate target for satire, fat shaming and your all-around general insults aimed at Liberals because he makes himself a target.
" group of people, no tribe sh*ts on their own to the extent and the level that we do to each other; it’s the most embarrassing and humiliating thing about this great country," Moore said[.]
In between his feasts of gluttonous gorgery, I wonder if Moore ever considers how lucky he is that he wasn't born in, say, North Korea. Then again, with Moore being such a fan of other tyrants like Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez, he probably loves Kim Jong-Un. The obese are attracted to each other due to their girthy gravitational force.

Why is it that Liberals always focus on misery, gloom and doom? It's all they preach. Liberalism is negativity. They are the creators and perpetrators of gloom and doom. On everything. Oh, except raising taxes...then Liberals always see the positive side of that issue.

So, Moore (and what an appropriate name...even an extra "o" that make the word 'more' even fatter), The Fat Bastard Fat Man is in the news again.

This time, Moore says the one thing that could lead to a downfall for President Donald Trump is an unrelenting assault of satire. HuffPooPo:
“[Trumps'] thin skin, as you’ve pointed out so well, is so thin,” Moore said.

“All we need is like a thousand or a million little comedy shivs — just, you know, non-violent, don’t hurt him,” he added. “But just under his skin, because he can’t take being laughed at.”
Well - good luck there Tubby. You keep on dreaming.

Here is why it's a good idea to page through comments from time to time. You never know when you'll run into a gem. And I did, with the comment below, on Yahoo, on their story of the above-linked HuffPooPo.

I've blacked out a part of the user's/commenter's name, but the rest is a total, legitimate, screen shot except for me adding the photo of Moore used in the story:

"Does that face look like it is pinned to a giant lard filled Rubber?"

Yes...yes it does. A lot.

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