Monday, August 5, 2019

Biden compares Trump to KKK. Biden forgets his warm friendship with DEM KKK Robert Byrd.

behind Byrd is DEM Senator Joe Manchin ( W. VA); poster via image search

'We went through this before in the '20s with the Ku Klux Klan,' he said, '50,000 people walking down Pennsylvania Avenue in pointed hats and robes because they in fact decided they didn't want any Catholics coming into the country.'

'We went through it after the Civil War in terms of the Ku Klux Klan and white supremacy.["]
...Says the guy who gave a glowing, tearful, loving eulogy for Grand Kleagle Robert Byrd.

Gee, we can only speculate as to why he only mentioned "the Catholics." Keep perpetuating the lies of the formation of your party and what it stands for, Joe.

Snopes (heh, yeah, slanted Snopes), reports a similar story as "Mostly False".  Why? Because the story Snopes is "debunking" refers to Byrd as a "Grand Wizard" instead of his true title, "Grand Kleagel".

The image of Biden, Byrd and Manchin is legit, according to Snopes:
The picture in question was taken by Associated Press photographer Bob Bird [sic], in Charleston, West Virginia, on Oct. 24, 2008. It shows Biden, then running mate to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, present at a campaign rally with U.S. Sen. Jay Rockefeller (D-W.Va) and West Virginia’s Democrat Gov. Joe Manchin. Biden is holding the hand of U.S. Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va).
Joe sure seems to have many segregationist friends. The Race Card is always at the top of the DEM's deck.

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