Saturday, March 23, 2019

How long will it take before the Libs once again hate Mueller?

What the Libs so delusionally and desperately want to be true...but isn't there.

SF Gate: "We're going to subpoena" Robert Mueller.
Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) told Bill Maher that the House Intelligence Committee will subpoena special counsel Robert Mueller to testify before Congress and present the findings of his report.

Hours after Mueller submitted his report to Attorney General William Barr, Swalwell said during an appearance on Maher's show Real Time that "we're going to subpoena" Robert Mueller.
"Yeah, we're going to subpoena him and Adam Schiff announced that earlier," Swalwell replied.

"You'll subpoena Mueller?"

Mother Jones: Adam Schiff prepared to subpoena Mueller’s Evidence.
"[The Departmet of Justice] should cooperate willingly, but if it doesn’t, we will have to subpoena the evidence, subpoena Mueller or others,” Schiff told CNN.
RTU.S. MSM in panic attack after failure of Mueller investigation indicts Trump.
The news dealt a devastating blow to the sensational prophesies of journalists, analysts and entire news networks, who for nearly two years reported ad nauseam [sic] that President Donald Trump and his inner circle were just days away from being carted off to prison for conspiring with the Kremlin to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.
Because watching Liberals' heads explode is so damn satisfying and enjoyable!

From the film "Scanners"

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