Sunday, March 17, 2019

BOB O'Rourke has racist wrought iron window guards AND door locks!

It appears BOB O'Rourke has some degree of home security protection. Why would he do this? Is he trying to keep people OUT of HIS HOME?

I notice wrought iron bars affixed to the exterior of his home windows and doorway. Why are they there? Who is he trying to keep out?

It also appears he has at least two locks on his door. Is he trying to keep people OUT of his home? Is he trying to prevent access to his home from...???...from strangers? From people he doesn't know? Why would he employ and utilize such racist devices?

Other symbolism, of which I'm not fully familiar, appears to be a crescent moon on the shorts of the child in the middle. The pajama bottoms worn by BOB's daughter seem to be decorated with what could be either occult-like and/or Illuminati-like symbols.

Note the upside-down flowers on her PJs. Symbolic of witchcraft? Now, in no way am I saying, or implying, his daughter is "into" witchcraft.

Occult and satanic clothing for children is big business:

Satanic clothing for kids.

Occult clothing for babies and children.

Celine Dion line of children's clothing described as "Satanic".

When items or symbols are inverted from their usual position or direction, they represent the opposite of tradition. U of Illinois Extension:
If the flowers were given upside down then the meaning was the opposite of the traditional meaning. Just how the ribbon was tied had meaning. Tied to the left, the flower symbolism was in reference to the giver. If it was tied to the right, the symbolism was about the give. Flower symbolism was not for the unobservant.
The shirt worn by the child in the middle, the Nike symbol, is based on the Greek goddess Nike.

The designs on the wrought iron window and door guards are full of other occult symbols.

Also note the electrical "timer" (bottom, left), presumably used for the lights on what appears to be a Christmas tree behind them. I guess BOB enjoys the conveniences of fossil fuels.

What about BOB's red shirt? The color red represents power, danger, the "Blood Oath". Then again, red may represent energy and passion.

And yeah, his dog, Artemis, does look really depressed and mournful. Blink twice for "help", Artemis...we'll get the ASPCA and rescue you.

One. Last. Item:

ForbesAmy O'Rourke may not be a "billionaire" heiress, but she's a millionaire heiress. Amy's dad is a real estate/developer tycoon who used eminent domain to enrich himself and his business. Surely Cluck Schumer will call for investigations into this eminent domain...I mean, Cluck isn't a hypocrite, is he?

Washington Times: BOB O'Rourke twice as wealthy as Ted Cruz.
...O’Rourke had a 2015 net worth of about $9 million, ranking 51st out of 435 House members, according to the non-partisan Center for Responsive Politics.
O’Rourke and his family live in a hilltop, Hacienda-style, 4,700 square-foot home in El Paso[.]
Another wealthy, white guy running for president who's a Lib. The "diversity" among the Dems is so transparent.
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UPDATE: One more thing. Maybe you already noticed, BOB is barefoot. Wow. Cool! How groovy is that?! I guess things can always be worse. At least it's not Bernie's bare feet.

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