Thursday, January 30, 2020

Posting continues as I wait for a reply from The Blogger Team.

Our programming resumes as I anxiously await a speedy and satisfactory resolution from The Blogger Team, because they really care about the people that use their products, seeking fair and judicious outcomes for all parties involved.

Really, I'm the one who's being harassed and bullied here, by Blogger censorship without any logged complaint on Lumen. Blogger Terms of Service states they record all complaints with Lumen. To date, that's not the case with the post they spiked here. Besides, Who TF complains about a blog post that dates back to August 2019, anyway? was six months ago?!

Comments are open, but I'm holding off on publishing those related to the (so far two posts) censorship issue. I appreciate the support from everyone.

 Google, Blogger, You Tube=all under the same umbrella.

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