Sunday, May 12, 2019

Brian Sims Coward and Bully: Run Coward, Run Coward.

The unedited versions of the below clip can all be viewed here. Below is an edited clip running about 1 minute, 20 seconds.

DEM Brian Sims, State Rep of Pennsylvania takes pride in shaming others.

In the below clip, the woman he verbally assaults was standing outside of Planned Parenthood an abortion clinic "protesting" by means of...praying the Rosary. The teen girls and adult accosted by Sims were...praying for the people and babies inside the building. They all are white, Sims effortlessly narrates this several times.

In the second part of the clip, Sims' true Coward is outed when he encounters a man who's not about to listen to his BS. "Run Coward, Run Coward."

NSFW - language:

While most of the images on Sims' Instragram page are, well, mostly selfies (which seems indicative of some kind of cognitive deficiencies with self-identity and insecurity/self confidence issues), the Coward/Bully does have some images that certainly conflict with his behavior:

And this one, where Sims is offended by slang, and I don't condone using that language. What's surprising (not really), is Sims' reaction wondering why the person's account wasn't suspended. Considering the vitriol on Sims' Twitter account, I'm surprised (not really) that his account isn't suspended for his videos where he advocates doxxing the people he harassed and threatening to bring a protest to the home of the "old white lady" praying the Rosary.

I'm reproducing what Sims published on his Instagram account "As Is". I'm not liable if anyone is offended by the language: 

Sims: "You didn't censor the person calling me a faggot but you pulled my entire page down as a result of sharing it?!?!"

Oh dear - Instagram pulled his page down for a while. I can't think of anything worse that could happen to anyone. The Horror. The Horror

Let's ask Mr. Sims the same questions he poses to those in his videos: How many shoes has your whining on social media bought for needy children? How many people have been fed by your whining on social media? How have your videos improved the community and benefited your constituents? Do you devote time for - say - delivering "Meals on Wheels"? Maybe he does. If not, he should consider doing just that. He certainly appears to have the time.

Is this what elected public servants in Pennsylvania get paid to do? Nice work, if you can get it.

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