Thursday, June 27, 2019

St. Louis Park Will No Longer Say the Pledge of Allegiance at City Council Meetings. Who needs "standard rituals"?

St. Louis Park CoucilTard Tim Brausen
Tim Brausen City Council Tim Brausen said “Our community tends to be a very welcoming and increasingly diverse community, and we believe our citizens will understand. I don’t think we’re going to be any less welcoming by not starting our meeting out with the standard ritual.”

The motion to remove the pledge passed unanimously by the city council. Star Tribune reports that roughly half the cities in Minnesota no longer start their meetings with the recital of the pledge of allegiance.

“We’ve had some racial equity initiatives going on in the city of St. Louis Park for awhile where we’re trying to get more diverse communities and historically less engaged communities to come and participate in our public process,” Brausen said. (Translation: "We're trying hard to make people who hate us hate us a little bit less." - DD).
Minnesota State Republican react

The Pledge is said at the start of council meetings. The simple and less complicated method to this Draconian "standard ritual" of reciting The Pledge could have been that those who don't want to participate in saying it is to show up five minutes after the start of the meeting. But that doesn't come anywhere close in pandering to Those Who Are Offended By Everything.

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