Monday, June 3, 2019

Penis-lawn mowing greets Trump in UK.

In your interest, consider this NSFW:

The Guardian: Eighteen-year-old Ollie Nancarrow mowed a giant phallus into a field to greet Donald Trump as the US president flew into Stansted airport this morning.
[Nancarrow isn't] the first to employ such imagery[.]
As Air Force One approached Stansted on Monday morning, it is nice to think of President Trump looking down to see his first words of welcome from the United Kingdom, “OI TRUMP”, mown into the grass of an Essex field beside a penis and testicles.

I'd take that welcoming as a compliment. The President probably did too. Now, had it been Hillary, I wonder if anyone would have bothered mowing a giant...Smiley Face...yeah...into the lawn?

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