Thursday, June 27, 2019

Amy Klobuchar, her Uncle Dick, his deer stand and gun confiscation.

DEM presidential candidate Amy "does this hurt my Uncle Dick" Klobuchar

She is so far less intelligent than anyone will admit and than she wants you to realize.


Thank you, Congressman O'Rourke.

Hang on. Let me give 30 seconds, Senator Klobuchar, the iron range. I'm curious. Gun confiscation, right? If the government is buying back, how do you not have that conversation?


Well, that's not confiscation. You could give them the offer to buy back their gun.

But I'll say this. I look at these proposals and I say, does this hurt my Uncle Dick and his deer stand, coming from a proud hunting and fishing state? These proposals don't do that. When I was a prosecutor, I supported the assault weapons ban. When I was in the Senate, I saw those moms from Sandy Hook come and try to advocate for change, and we all failed. And then now these Parkland kids from Florida, they started literally a national shift.

You know why? It's just like with gay marriage. When kids talked to their parents and their grandparents, they say I don't understand why we can't put these sensible things in place, they listen. And if we get bested by a bunch of 17-year-olds...


All right, Senator, thank you.


... it's the best thing that ever happened. We need to get...


Senator, thank you. Senator, thank you.
Todd was trying to save Klobuchar from herself by attempting to end the dialogue. But she just couldn't stop swallowing her foot.

Gun confiscation, her uncle Dick and his deer stand, and analogies between the Second Amendment and gay marriage. I am shocked she failed to manage working in the words, "Trump Bad."

Klobuchar, desperate in promoting the falsehood that the Second Amendment has anything to do with hunting, fishing (because who doesn't use guns while fishing?), her Uncle Dick and his deer stand, or "assault" rifles.

More good reading on Klobuchar and her Uncle Dick at Def-Con News.

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