Thursday, April 4, 2019

Rebecca Parker Mankey fears for her life.
Oh. That's. So. Sad.

Palo Alto onlineLiberal activist-hater Rebecca Parker Mankey fails to incite an angry mob to harm and shame old guy wearing MAGA hat.
Palo Alto resident Rebecca Parker Mankey attempted to shame an elderly white man wearing a red Make America Great Again hat as he sat in [Starbucks].
Calling him a "hater of brown people," Mankey said she yelled at him and addressed Starbucks customers and employees to join her in her effort. She said she left the store but soon returned and continued to yell at him. Mankey said she was "heartbroken" that other white people didn't stand up against the man sporting a slogan that was popularized by Donald Trump during his 2016 presidential campaign. She followed him out of the store to the parking lot, where she continued to berate and swear at him.

She called the man "Nazi scum" and threatened to post pictures of him on social media, which she then did, along with her version of the incident on her Facebook page and on Twitter. She asked the public for help finding him — "I want him to have nowhere to hide," she wrote -- a practice called "doxing," or posting personal contact information to encourage threats and harassment.

The incident has had repercussions not only for Mankey, who said on Tuesday she's received death threats and was fired from her job as an accountant, but also for her former employer, Gryphon Stringed Instruments.
Mankey said in an email that she and her family are receiving death threats and other threats of harm. She declined to comment further.

Margaret Okuzumi, who co-chairs the Bayshore Progressive Democrats with Mankey, expressed concern for Mankey and her family, saying they were doxed Tuesday on right-wing social media and internet channels.
Update: On April 3, Mankey resigned as co-chair, officer and a member of the Bayshore Progressive Democrats.

Steven Lee, who serves on the Palo Alto Human Relations Commission, knows Mankey, calling her "beloved by many in our community for her progressive activism, myself included."

 Mankey; Image (and more on the story): Citizen Free Press

Discussionist: Karma IS a bitch.
Grumpy Pickle:
14. People that prey on the elderly are a particular breed of ugly fuckheads.
Make time to read the comments section at Palo
Posted by mauricio:
I'd be shocked if this man wasn't wearing his [MAGA hat] to trigger exactly the reaction he received.
Mauricio's logic is the same, then, as saying, "an attractive woman dressed in skimpy clothing deserves it if she's raped." Only a true, Steeped-In-LiberTardness Lib could be "triggered" by an inanimate hat.
Posted by YP:  Liberals preach tolerance of people with different ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation etc. but when it comes to tolerance of different political views I've found they do not practice what they preach.

Posted by CoffeeTime:
> And I hope the man in the hat will consider accepting her apology when she offers it.

What apology...and after all of the vitriol previously expressed on social media?

A restraining order might be more appropriate.
Mankey..."beloved by many."  Uh - not so much maybe? She (IT?) brought all the "death threats" and her newfound "fear" she (IT?) now has on her (IT?) self. Enjoy it. She/IT owns it.
Palo Alto Online Archived

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