Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Asteroid is not supposed to hit earth tomorrow, NASA warns.

Awwwwwwwwwww...where's the good news these days?

The Independent: Massive asteroid to pass closer to Earth than is the moon.
An asteroid purportedly the size of a 10-storey [sic] building will pass by the Earth at half the distance to the Moon, Nasa has warned.

Asteroid 2019 GC6 will pass within roughly 136,000 miles of Earth on Thursday, safely avoiding a devastating collision. (NASA pees on every parade, don't they? - DD)
Nasa astronomers warn there is a risk Asteroid 2019 GC6 will collide with Earth in the next 100 years.
We should probably start planning for that, huh?

Check out the video at the link.

 Screen cap: video via The Independent

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