Tuesday, April 9, 2019

3-year old locks dad's iPad until 2067.

Yeah...but since Global Warming Climate Change Global Warming should have killed us by now will have us all dead in three, eight, nine, ten, twelve years - does it really matter?

CNNWrong password locks iPad until year 2067.
That's what happened over the weekend to Evan Osnos, a staff writer at The New Yorker and a fellow at the Brookings Institution.

He put out a tweet -- or a cry for help -- letting the world know of the little situation his toddler put him in.

"Uh, this looks fake but, alas, it's our iPad today after 3-year-old tried (repeatedly) to unlock. Ideas?" Osnos tweeted. A photo of the iPad's screen noted the device was disabled. It also had this mind-blowing message: "Try again in 25,536,442 minutes."
Several others said no worries --- just wait out the 48 years. Because you know folks on social media are known for their patience.

So what does Apple suggest? Apple says you would need to perform a restore to use the device again (but you would lose the data on the device if you've never backed it up).

The real shocker is that The New Yorker is still being published? Whaaaat...?

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