Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Premature EJoeculation. Debate performance email sent six hours early.

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s staff got a little trigger happy on Wednesday, prematurely sending out a fundraising email asking for feedback on his performance in the night’s debate, asking in the subject line: “Did I make you proud?”

The email went out around 3 p.m., a good six hours before the debate is set to kick off and at least eight hours before it’s expected to end.

I’m leaving the fifth Democratic debate now,” the fundraising plea begins. “I hope I made you proud out there, and I hope I made it clear to the world why our campaign is so important.”
[An hour later, another email was sent stating] “Oops,” the subject line read. “You might have just gotten an email from Joe about just getting off of the debate stage. That’s our bad.”

“We know Joe is going to make us proud tonight. We were just so excited for it that we accidentally hit send too soon,” [read the email].
"Too soon?"

Someone hit "send" instead of "save". Unintentionally? Nah. It was Russia. Ssshhhh, don't tell anyone.
Politico Archived

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