Friday, April 24, 2020

Bitter Hillary advises about poisoning yourself.

@ The Cankle Queen Twitter

PRESIDENT Trump didn't say what Cankles so sickly and twistedly implies. It takes a special type of demonic evil to Tweet what she wrote.

Did she give the same advice to Jim McDougal? Oh, yeah, wait...he had a "heart attack".

And all those other "accidental deaths" of her other associates and former colleagues?

Remember former Secretary of Commerce Ron Brown? He died in a plane crash...with a bullet hole in his head. Those bullets, I tell 'ya - - - they just fly around like crazy inside airplanes when they crash.

Kinda like Epstein didn't kill himself. Vince Foster, too.

Have you dodged any recent sniper fire, Ms.Cankles?
Cankles Tweet Archived

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