Thursday, February 13, 2020

Where does Joe Biden find these magic guns?

Democrat presidential hopeful Joe Biden spoke in Hudson, New Hampshire, this week and told attendees that it is “rational” to prohibit “50 clips in a weapon.”

Ryan Saavedra quoted Biden maligning the absence of “a rational policy” that makes it illegal to have “20, 30, 40, 50 clips in a weapon.
[Biden] made reference to gun owners who quote Thomas Jefferson’s statement on the tension that exists between free men and the rulers who wish to subjugate them, a statement that includes Jefferson’s observation thatthe tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.”

Biden then said, “Those who say ‘the tree of liberty is watered with the blood of patriots’ — a great line, well, guess what: The fact is, if you’re going to take on the government, you need an F-15 with Hellfire missiles.
In November, 2019, Joe told us no one needed "a magazine with 100 clips in it." 

So...Joe's going to permit our owning F-15's and Hellfire missiles? Will he allow us our own MOABs, too? I'm pretty stoked about this!

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