Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Pelosi shreds her SOTU papers.

After President Donald J. Trump concluded his SOTU Address, as applause continued in the closing moments, Nancy Pelosi (Alcoholic-CA), was caught on camera ripping her paper copies of the SOTU in half.

Let that sink in a moment. 

This behavior, from the woman who enjoys always reminding us what a good Catholic she is. She tells us that she prays for not only the President each and every night, but how she prays for EVERYBODY. ALWAYS. She's always praying - always prayerful - at least that's what tells us.

On those pages torn by Pelosi was the name of 100-year old retired Charles McGee, one of the last surviving Tuskegee Airmen — the first group of African-American fighter pilots, who served in World War II (NY Post). Mr. McGee attended the SOTU Address.

Other names on those pages included people who were killed by immigrants in the U.S. illegally. The families of some of the victims were at the SOTU Address and were mentioned by name by President Trump.

Another name on those pages is a United States Army Staff Sgt. Christopher Hake, (Washington Examiner), who was killed in Iraq by a roadside bomb planted with the help of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani. Staff Sgt Hake's wife and their 13-year old son were at the SOTU Address.

Other names on those pages were children who overcame physical and health issues and who overcame educational hurdles. Many of them were present at the SOTU Address.

Other people were mentioned in those pages who overcame different types of difficult hardships, personal challenges and adversities. Many of them were present at the SOTU Address.

When asked why she tore those pages, Pelosi replied, "it was the courteous thing to do." (Market Watch)

Actions speak louder than words. They always have and always will.

What do Nancy Pelosi's actions - in tearing up these pages - tell us about her?

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