Saturday, February 15, 2020

Amy Klobuchar can't name president of Mexico. Either can Tom Steyer.

2020 Democratic hopefuls Amy Klobuchar and Tom Steyer both couldn't name the president of Mexico when asked during a Telemundo interview while campaigning in Nevada this week.

"I forget," Steyer said when asked. Klobuchar offered a simple "no" in response.
NewsweekUse Jokes About Trump During 2020 Election Campaign, Amy Klobuchar Says: 'Show How Absurd He Is'.
Amy Klobuchar said the "ability to make a joke" is important for Democrats hoping to beat President Donald Trump in November, and argued they must "poke" at the commander-in-chief.

The Minnesota Democrat told Reuters before the January 14 primary debate in Des Moines, Iowa, that going into a head-to-head with Trump "without some animation" would be a "problem," and said it would be necessary to "show how absurd he is."

But she also said it would be important to ignore the president. "First of all, you have to have that ability to make a joke or poke at him or just show how absurd he is.["]
Yeah, the ill-tempered Senator Eats Salad with Fork and Throws Paperclips at Staff is in no position to poke fun at others.

Mexico's President Obrador has been in office for over two years, has met with President Trump at least twice and has met, at least once, with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

And Steyer, "forgets." I don't think he had a clue.

The DEM candidates are an impressive bunch, aren't they?

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