Remember that guy on Facebook a couple of weeks ago who said he got stabbed by some stranger because he had a “neo-Nazi” haircut? You’re never going to believe this, but the story was total bullshit. He accidentally stabbed himself. And blamed it on a non-existent black guy.What a douche bag.
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C|Net looks at the 2018 BMW i3.
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The i3 interior. |
BEWARE OF Hurricane Harvey Charity Scams. From
The U.S. Emergency Computer Readiness Team, known as US-CERT, warned email users to be cautious of any messages related to Hurricane Harvey, even if it appears to be from an organization or person they know. Fraudulent emails could include malicious links[.]- - -
Wired: Hurricane Harvey spreads floating Fire Ant colonies.
Rafts of fire ants have been spotted floating around floodwaters in Houston, Texas, colonies banding together to weather super-storm Harvey.- - -
If you’re wading around flood waters and run into a raft of 100,000 fire ants, your day will get considerably more complicated. The ants will board you and sting and not let go, even if you submerge.
Your ISP is spying on you. Techcrunch:
Never, ever stop being afraid. To top up your paranoia reserves, a new study finds that internet providers can, if they so choose, monitor all kinds of things from your smart home’s traitorous metadata.- - - Elon Musk approved to drill.
[Musk's Boring Company] got the thumbs up to dig a two-mile-long underground test tunnel in Hawthorne, Calif.- - -
The City Council last week voted four to one in favor of moving forward with the track extension.
InfoWorld: Will AI replace customer service as we know it? Well - how much worse could AI customer service be from human customer service?
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Russia tightens internet control. Security Week:
...Russia's parliament voted to outlaw web tools that let internet users sidestep official bans of certain websites.- - -
It allows telecommunications watchdog Roskomnadzor to compile a list of so-called anonymiser services and prohibit any that fail to respect the bans, while also requiring users of online messaging services to identify themselves with a telephone number.
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Live Science: Ecstasy ingredient may help PTSD?
[The active ingredient in the drug ecstasy, MDMA] passed an important hurdle on the path to becoming a prescription drug for treating post-traumatic stress disorder.- - -
[MDMA] was granted "Breakthrough Therapy Designation" status by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), [which means] that the FDA will "expedite the development and review" of the drug.
After the FAKE NEWS of the neo-"Nazi-haircut attack guy", I'll consider the following FAKE NEWS until proven otherwise. Although...never underestimate the stupidity of some people.
From Live Science: Eclipse watchers in California put sunscreen on their eyeballs.
According to KRCR, a local news outlet in Redding, California, a few patients visited a nearby clinic complaining of pain after they put sunscreen on their eyeballs during the eclipse on Aug. 21. They did this because they did not have protective glasses to view the eclipse[.]- - -
Typical Microsoft behavior. Beta News: Microsoft's Windows phone fails the NYPD:
Windows Phone isn't just an embarrassment to Microsoft, it has also been a waste of time and money for consumers[.]- - -
[.]... Microsoft abandoned it, leaving many users without support and, ultimately, forcing them to buy new devices.
One of the saddest cases is the NYPD, which trusted Microsoft and equipped its officers with Windows Phones[.] These brave men and women deserve the best technology and equipment, yet when it came to smartphones, they were given some of the worst. So, now, its officers are effectively handcuffed by obsolete and unsupported tech.
Live Science: A collection of tweets from people experiencing Hurricane Harvey.
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PC World: DOOM, DOOM II, DOOM III and more - all priced to sell!
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Grammar fix 8/29/2017
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