Thursday, August 17, 2017

Now is the time to start worrying over Y3K !

I love it when prophecy fails to materialize. The inability of Man attempting to accurately predict future events is folly.

Matthew; 24-36:
The Day and Hour Unknown
36)  “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father."
So I was not surprised when an earth axis shift did NOT occur on August 15, 2017:
This telepathic message was received on August 15, 2017 at 3:09 am Mountain Time at the Star Lodge healing Center in Lake George, Colorado USA[.]
[The message was] sent from RaTesh, the Pleiadian [sic] Cosmonaut[.]
[The] planetary Axis Shift of Earth, will cause your planet’s oceans to “slosh” greatly – ON A MUCH BIGGER SCALE than this recent “minor”, approximately 13 degree Axis Shift – which just occurred a few days ago, of your Earth time.
Yeah, RaTesh...not a good batting average. (Is Al Gore, Jr. impersonating RaTesh?)

But we really should start worrying about Y3K right now. Shouldn't we?

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