Thursday, June 20, 2024

AOC takes another hard swing at AIPAC!

AOC, willing to stand up against AIPAC, an intrusive, influential and authoritative group of Israeli interests placing their goals ahead of U.S. and America's best interests.

AOC stands with Thomas Massie, Rand Paul and Chris Van Hollen and Bernie Sanders. Rashida Tlaib and Illhan Omar also are critical of the influence AIPAC has on our government. 

Massie also states that the majority of his colleagues, prior to committing to a position on a bill tell him, "I'll check with my AIPAC guy."

Uh, no -  the only check these people need to make is representing what their constituents want, not AIPAC, Israel, CAIR or any other group. 

This ISN'T anti-semitism or "Jew Hatred." No single group should wield this much influence in U.S. foreign and domestic policy, no matter who it is; Israel, Sweden, Jews, Buddhists, Italians, Irish, Greeks, the Orthodox Church, Mormons - any of them.

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