Saturday, June 22, 2024

Hamas would shoot gay supporters — Netanyahu.

RT: Hamas would shoot gay supporters — Netanyahu

“Who are they supporting? These murderers, these rapists of women, the beheaders of babies, the burning of innocent civilians, the taking of hostages, including Holocaust survivors?” [Benjamin Netanyahu] told the news site on Thursday. 

“The people who protest with these killers…you have Gays for Gaza. That’s an absurdity if I’ve ever heard one. If you are gay in Gaza, you’ll be shot in the back of the head,” Netanyahu continued, before singling out the Palestinians’ feminist supporters.

“Women for Gaza. What are women in Gaza? They’re chattel and other such absurdities,” he complained.

Keep stoking and fomenting violence BeeBeee. It's fine, he can get away with this because he's Jewish.

Which murderers is he talking about? The IDF that admitted they killed so many of their own at the Nova music festival? Is he talking about the humanitarian aid workers killed by Israel?

"Rapists." What rapists? Both Israel and the UN admit there's no evidence of this

"The beheaders of babies." Faked, debunked and staged by Manlet Ben Shapiro: 

Pretty sure it was Israel burning Palestinians using White Phosphorus which they originally denied until it was proven that they did.

The Holocaust Hostages? Those elderly ladies who, upon being released, stated they were treated well and Israel did everything it could using their media influence to suppress their stories? Those hostages? 

This BS propaganda from Satanyahu who derogatorily calls all non-Jews, "Goyim." And then he comes begging the US? He's a genocidal maniac and future history books will describe as such. 

Are you starting to notice how they promote division and cause discord among all people who refuse to bow to them and give them total fealty? Their goal is to turn all non-Jews against each other so they gain more power and more control.

Meanwhile, in Sodom and Gomorrah Tel Aviv...

Yeah Beebs, God admires ^ This ^ and Israel offering safe haven and no extradition for pedophiles.  

Netanyahu was warned numerous times an attack was imminent. He did nothing so he could use the attack as justification for genocide. 

Israel created Hamas. LookitUp! 

Candace! AGAIN For The Win

Candace is directly Over The Target dropping huge Truth Bombs. If what she's saying and tweeting wasn't so damn true and accurate, there wouldn't be such a massive expenditure to silence her, now, would there?

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