Wednesday, June 19, 2024

UN concludes Israeli strikes on Gaza may have violated laws of war.

BBC: Israeli strikes on Gaza may have violated laws of war, per UN report

The UN Human Rights Office says Israeli air strikes in Gaza may have systematically violated the laws of war requiring that civilians and civilian infrastructure be protected.

It is the conclusion of a report on what it calls six “emblematic attacks” on residential buildings, a school, refugee camps and a market between 9 October and 2 December last year.

Hit the link. The story documents all 6 attacks.

Of course Israel deliberately targets civilians, children, humanitarian aid workers as well as killing their own people. They've been doing this for centuries. "Paging King Herod, please pick up any of the white courtesy phones to speak to our representative."

Common Dreams: UN Human Rights Office Condemns Israel's Use of 2,000-lb Bombs Against Gaza Civilians.

A new OHCHR report details how Israeli "attacks of an apparent indiscriminate nature" fit a wider pattern for hundreds of such bombings that may violate international laws of war.

The United Nations Human Rights Office released a report Wednesday concluding that the Israeli military's repeated use of heavy weaponry—including 2,000-pound bombs supplied by the United States—in the Gaza Strip has likely violated international laws of war barring the targeting of civilians and disproportionate attacks

Al Jazeera: At least 9 killed in attack on Rafah aid seekers.

At least nine people were killed and 30 injured when Israeli attacks targeted a group of people awaiting aid trucks near the Karem Abu Salem aid crossing in Rafah, southern Gaza.

Netanyahu, his cabinet, his U.S. enablers and all other global "leaders" supporting this genocide need to stand trial for war crimes at The Hague.

I don't have to remind people of how the Left reacted to civilians killed in Iraq and Afghanistan during the W. Bush-Obama terms. Well, they did during W. Bush, but as soon as The Kenyan took office, Liberals stopped REEEE'ing and pretended drone kills of civilians and children didn't happen.

Oooooooooooh, the objective is eliminating Hamas, you say? This IDF member says it will never happen. He's right. 

Will repeat, again, for the Pearl Clutcherz who drop by: Nowhere on this blog will you find me supporting Hamas, Hezbollah or any other terrorist organization. You WILL find me critical of Israel, Netanyahu and their enablers who deliberately target civilians. I've supported temporary cease-fires, cease fires and peace negotiations. Remember John Kerry during the Obama terms telling us that we need to talk with our enemies or adversaries? Where are these people now?

Remember, Israel created Hamas. Fact!

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