Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Forward march, right into World War 3. Israel strikes Lebanon.

ABC (MSN): Israel-Gaza updates: Israel strikes 'deep inside' Lebanon after deadly attack.

Israel hit several Hezbollah targets in Lebanon[.]

That strike on Israel done by Hezbollah, according to others, was actually an errant and failed (or maybe intentional, who knows?) Israeli missile. I'll try to get to that story later tonight.

Any "world leaders" talking cease-fire or peace? Can't find any. Where's John "We have to meet and talk with the enemies and war provocateurs" Kerry? Probably heading to his underground bunker.

War! War! War! 

This genocidal maniac really does want to rule the world.

Who the hell does Netanyahu think he is to unilaterally call for NATO to expel Turkey? The hubris. The Chutzpah. The arrogance. A war criminal who, along wth his Knesset and military supporters, should be apprehended and tried by The Hague.

Where is the anti-war crowd? They never stopped protesting during W. Bush-Cheney tenure. Then they STFU during Obama-Biden as drone after drone killed civilians. 

Erdogan doesn't say things he doesn't mean. People in power should pause and listen to him, but they won't. Their agenda is WW3 at any and all costs. Diplomacy be damned.

Meanwhile, cuck Blinken is busy threatening China. That's some admirable foreign policy, isn't it?

De-escalation? It's an unfamiliar and forgotten concept by the Neocons, RINOs and UniParty all of whom are hellbent on WW3.


Cederq said...

You know Dave, we are long past for a multi-state world war and because we encouraged and voted for these lame ass politicians who have delusions of grandeur and world dominance we are going to have to suffer again, those who don't want a war and want USA to fold back on itself and quit being the police-thug for the world. I believe this time we are not going to be isolated by water not to suffer attacks and widespread fighting here. The same politicks imported entire cells and brigades of fighting age males to ensure that.

Drake's Place said...

Cederq, Well,I know who seeks world domination because I notice and recognize patterns.

Lots of news tonight about the U.S. prepping to support Netanyahu in his war against Iran, including U.S. Troops on the ground. Just what the American neocons, warmongers, the MIC and Jews want. There's a video I have to find again, a compilation that spans over a decade, of various Israeli politicians, including Netanyahu, giving speeches in the U.S. about how " 'we' (the U.S.) have to attack Iran because" [reasons] ... because Israel feels "threatened" and knows they can't do shit without our backing.

I watched some of the RINO clapping seals, giving Satanyahu standing ovations when he addressed Congress. How much Jew coke can these traitor U.S. politicians slurp?

Both Ukraine and Israel would be different countries or wouldn't exist if it weren't for their bleeding America dry. Those who can't see this are in deep denial or happy to subjugate the best interests of their own country to Isael. It could be any country and I'd feel the same, but it's a cohencidence that more often that not, the instigator is Israel.

The good news is the U.S. Military is at an all time low of white male recruitment. So send over the American Jew , drag queen, puppy mask, non-binary, DEI Army.

The fealty from US politicians, U.S. and world-wide NGOs to Israel is summed up in two words: blackmail and payoffs. Who's on those Epstein tapes?