Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Any other Blogger users notice a change in the appearance of the pop-up mode comments window?

Anyone? Is it just me? I just noticed the pop up comment box looks different. Why does Blogger keep diddling with this sh*t?

I looked at other pop up comment windows on other Blogspot sites. Most appear as the one at the top of the above image. A few look like the example on the bottom. 

Do I need to change a setting? I haven't changed any comment options at all.


Cederq said...

They got young ADHD punks doing the graphic interface and they can't leave well enough alone, always got to fuck with it and tweak it so us old farts can gripe and moan and get pissed off. They think it is "edgy" and it really is sophomoric and infantile. You see the graphics lately on anything lately? Looks like a prepubescent 8 year old doodling and drawing "My Pony" pictures.

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , Are you referring to the intersection of anime/incel GI? LMAO! ;) Yeah, it really sucks.

As of the moment, my comments screen appearance is back to "normal"aka the top image example. I still want the smaller image/video upload window option back. FFS they can't leave alone something that works well.