This Arrowhead needs to be sold. Or donated.
To Canada, Wisconsin, or Michigan. It's an area that needs to be excised like a malignant tumor.

Small square bottom: Carlton County, population 36,370
Above Carlton is St. Louis County which includes Duluth, total population 200,226
To the right of SLC is Lake County, population just shy of 11,000.
The tip is Cook County, population 5,600.
Carlton County. Very middle class, hard-working, nice area but likely suffers from multi-generational "my parents and grandparents voted democrat so I vote democrat." Scenic, rivers, forests, lakes.
St. Louis County demographics emulates Carlton County, only larger. A beautiful part of the state, great people who work hard and play hard. But deeply Blue. The City of Duluth is a Blue Shithole.
Lake County has some really high-end summer homes sitting on sprawling estates owned by generational big money democrats. They head South during the winters, the middle-income, hard-working families who by far outnumber the rich libs, stay put.
Cook County: Grand Marais is epically scenic. Eagle Mountain and other areas of great wilderness abound. Similar to Lake County, but on a smaller scale with some wealthy, liberal estates who head South during winters.
Total pop those counties: roughly 253,200. Not enough, maybe, to overcome the deeply entrenched blue vote in major MN cities - but...put that land on the auction block!
I get it that the rich libs in these counties vote the way they do. They're a bunch of Thurston Howells. Why the others stay stuck in Blue is a mystery to me.
And Clay County in western MN, no clue why they Blue.
MN's Gov. the /Liberal and Morbidly Obese Timmy Walz was reelected and both Houses are Blue unless someone finds some boxes in the trunk of a car full of ballots for Republicans.
The Main Stage Federal Election: Appears a Republican majority in the House. Nancy Pelosi loses her role as Speaker. We can all give a "Blessed Amen" to that. The Senate, last I checked, still holding at D 48 - R 49.
And how about Maricopa County, AZ?
France, population 64,634,083 can count their election ballots in 24 hours.
Maricopa County, Arizona, population 4,541,258, can't. FFS.
Not the Blue Tears Wave I'd hoped for, but, lower expectations, hope for the best and find the good outcomes. Be happy the House turned Red and Pelosi is out! That's a victory!
Phil wrapped up the entire election quite nicely. 👍
And Zack? I wonder what kind of Blue Pill he may have taken?
Please comment, curious what happened in your area and state.
* Population figures for counties from 2020 U.S. Census and 2022 and search results for population of France and Maricopa County.