Sunday, March 16, 2025

Defense Sec Pete Zogseth guts groups focusing on preventing and responding to civilian causalities.

NY Times: Hegseth Cuts Pentagon Work on Preventing Civilian Harm.

Hegseth's decision was heavily criticized by civilian harm protection advocates with whom the military worked in close consultation to develop policies.
Joanna Naples-Mitchell, a human rights lawyer representing 30 families whose loved ones were injured or killed in U.S. combat operations in Iraq, Syria or Afghanistan between 2015 and 2024, said eliminating these programs would exacerbate the trauma of civilian victims and moral injury among soldiers involved in the incidents.
Since Trump took office, the U.S. military has launched several strikes in Iraq, Syria and Somalia, despite his earlier promises to end, "endless wars."

Anyone with two or more functioning brain neurons sees where this is going. It's an overture in caving to the Zionists who don't want the real number of Palestinian, Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian or Houthi civilian deaths accurately reported.

Zogseth and Company have their collective tongues so deep in Zionist ass they can tickle their Master's tonsils.

This administration is beginning to wear awfully thin on me and fast, pushing me right back into total Libertarian mode. I'll never vote for Dems or RINOs, and soon, I'll return to voting strictly for Libertarian candidates. If this means throwing away my vote and Dems win, so be it. I know exactly what I'm getting with Dems and Liberals, they're the Devil I know. 

I don't know the Devil in the RINOs and the majority of those who claim to be Republicans who fall in line with their fellow RINOs and do the bidding for their AIPAC-handlers while claiming they're, "America First!"

Orange Jewlius said he'd end the Ukraine-Russian War on his, "first day." This hasn't happened, has it?

MASS DEPORTATIONS as they were presented to us...of literally thousands of illegals being removed daily? Not happening. Why not?

The files that were supposed to be released on Epstein, JFK, RFK, 9/11, Benghazi, UFOs, aliens, the mystery drone lights...Where TF are they? 

The Deep State and The Swamp are firmly in place. They haven't gone away. Only a few names have changed. Maybe you haven't noticed this.

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