Sunday, March 9, 2025

Some Big Dawg blogs conclude Pam Bondi won't do Sh\t releasing Epstein list.

Well, well, many Cuckservative Big Dawg blogs and sites (none on my BlogRoll) who were Big Cheerleaders for Pam "Hurrah Hurrah, She's A Barracuda" (licking their chops and smacking their lips) Bondi, now realizing she's not going to do JACK with, "all the Epstein files on her desk." 

She won't be releasing any bombshells on JFK, RFK, 9/11 or Seth Rich. You've been Bill Barred! 🤣 👏 

Welcome to the Club! Late is better than Never! 

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I wrote about this two weeks ago. Enjoy your new Deep Staters Big Dawg Blogs! 🤣 Must protect muh Israel.

What took ya so long, bitches? 🤣 

Those of us who knew back then know. Those who didn't know back then now know. Waking up yet? No? Maybe in four years?  Eight? 

Some social media selections ⏬  


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