Saturday, March 23, 2024

There goes $3.3 Billion. Fire up the Fed!


$3.3 Billion...for a guy Biden calls an, "a**hole,"?

Biden can call me an, "a**hole," all day long, every day - and I'll do it for One Billion! 

These people sure can give away money to anyone except U.S. Veterans and  American citizens who need it.


Cederq said...

Us? You have to be smoking some rank ditch weed! That is one of his bosses. I used to call my bosses assholes, but I knew they signed or caused my paycheck to be signed and so that wasn't banded around. I have to wonder what all of bidets bosses call him? I bet as rank or better than what we call 'em!

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , I know, I know. We all know who's controlling the puppet-pants-shitter.