Sunday, January 7, 2024

Rumors Biden will drop out due to health.

Biden will claim, "muh health," but the real reason? His abysmal approval ratings and his intended foreign policy failures which serve as money laundering schemes for the DNC, globalists and elites. 

^ Click=embiggen ^

Had the post from "JP Morgan" worker not misspelled "donor" ( donEr ), I might be more inclined to believe it.

Biden's handlers know they can't sell him again. They have to oust Kamala because she's equally unpopular.

Some people toss around Big Mike's name as the democrat presidential candidate. Maybe. I don't see him expressing or showing the slightest interest in pounding the pavement of the campaign trail for 10 months.

So...who's on deck?

Why Hillary? "So she can right the wrong of the 2016 election that was STOLEN from her by Trump and Puuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuutin!" 🤣
A Trump - Cankles rematch. Is there enough popcorn warehoused to cover that?


Cederq said...

Dave, can you tell me when and why is a president responsible for creating and maintaining "JOBS?" I looked at the Constitutional section for the duties of a president and no where does it specifically say "JOBS" anywhere! Why this metric is banded around and used that way. I believe it is used as a crutch and a cudgel to freak and impress the normies and sub IQ persons. Gives a blue ribbon to a stuffed diaper in the offal office or a hammer to one the deep throat state to bludgeon one that want out or not permitted to seek the highest post in the FUSA.

Drake's Place said...

Cederq , attempting to answer that is well above my pay grade. ;)
Agree with your analysis. A Free Market with open competition seems to work best in the public and private market.