Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Minneapolis DEM Mayor Jacob Frey puts on a good show, feigning concern and compassion over George Floyd death.

WBUR News (via Archive): 4 Police Officers Fired After A Black Man Dies In Minneapolis Police Custody.
[Jacob Frey] the mayor of Minneapolis says four Minneapolis Police Department officers involved in the death of a black man in police custody have been terminated. The FBI is investigating the incident.

A 10-minute video widely circulated on social media and referenced by Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey shows a police officer using his knee to pin the man's neck to the ground for multiple minutes.
Here's Soy Boy Frey's well-rehearsed response. I enjoy his measured moments of silence as he feigns concern, grief, muted anger and incredulity.

It's an award-winning performance by Frey. You know he practiced it in front of a mirror for...hours, maybe?

"Being Black in America should not be a death sentence." Is Frey the Mayor of America or of Minneapolis, which, yes - is part of America. You get my point, Frey is passing accountability onto America, not taking ownership of what happens in his own back yard. Nice try, Big Fail.

Frey's statement reads just like a template and it should considering the deaths of Black men and women by overly-aggressive, hair-trigger police officers in Minneapolis which becomes more common every day.

Minneapolis taxpayers must have a lot of extra cash sitting around as the city keeps paying out settlements - or is sued and loses the case - of several hundred-thousands to millions of dollars. What is the price of a human life? Well, ask the Minneapolis City Council. They seem to have a knack in this one aspect of city finances.

Here's the video of Mr. George Floyd being detained.

Advisory: Not for children, graphic, language.

In a real world, by now, Minneapolis Soy Boy Frey would have been forced out of office and Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo would have resigned.

Frey and Arradondo promised their administration and policies would be in a new, bold, different direction from their predecessors former mayor Betsy "Hitler" Hodges and former PD Chief Janee Harteau. Well, ya know - - campaign promises and words. Accountability? They've never heard the word.

It unnecessary to mention that Minneapolis is, and has been, a deeply entrenched Blue City for years, but I will lest anyone forget. Will Minneapolis' Black community continue supporting and electing Democrats?

Frey needs to go, but he won't resign - not unless a loud public vocal reckoning forces him to. The four police officers were fired, but that's not Frey taking responsibility. No, that's Frey doing what DEMS do, blame others. (Not that the officers involved aren't to blame, they are).

Considering Frey is part of the political party that so often defaults to the, "the person in charge must go" mentality, it's not surprising he doesn't apply the same standard to himself. The Minneapolis Liberals won't hold him to the standard that they apply to their political opponents. But...ooooohh...but if this had involved a Republican mayor? Gone in less time than the blink of an eye.

Arradondo needs to go. Can voices grow loud enough to oust both Frey and Arradondo? We can hope, but it's unlikely.


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