I have an entirely different post I'm working on for Part 3 of the Real ID Act and the New World Order, but something hit the news taking center stage.
The Rothschild Dynasty owns Greece.
Now, the gentleman below looks like a nice, grandfatherly type who would perhaps spend his days golfing, fishing, playing with the grandchildren, gardening. If he is super-wealthy, maybe he'd spend his days with his vintage auto collections or paintings or arts or gambling in Monaco or relaxing in a sprawling estate somewhere tranquil.
Instead, the person you see below is the new Ruler of Greece,
billionaire/trillionaire Jacob Rothschild.
Jacob Rothschild, Emperor of Greece. |
I wasn't writing or blogging at the time, but when the news announced Greece's economic crisis, I immediately thought that Greece is being used as a "test tube" wherein their economy is crippled and the outcome observed by the Globalists, such as the above Rothschild.
Greece's financial melt was...IS...an experiment. It is a microcosm of what the Globalists want to do to all countries in the world: Crash their economy and devalue the currency, then act as some redeemer or savior re-entering the crime scene under the pretense of appearing to render help, but in fact, usurping the entire economy of the country.
Recall the ATM bank runs and limits on how much cash any Greek could withdraw from their bank?
Do you not think the above could easily occur in the U.S. given the proper circumstances?
ironic yet horrific dish cooked up by this rescue fund in choosing the very origin of the modern banking mafia through turning to the notorious Rothschild family. From funding mega wars to originally making their massive wealth through outright deception following the Battle of Waterloo, electing any Rothschild to act as a Greek adviser is a choice that goes against the interests of the Greek people.
IS IT in the best interest of the Greek people and the economy of Greece that Globalist Rothschild step in as the "adviser"? Δεν με δουλεύεις? That's Greek for "are you kidding me".
And don't think George Soros aka
György Schwartz doesn't have his fat, stubby little fingers in profiting - somehow - in the "financial restructuring" (aka complete takeover of a sovereign country by a cabal of bankers).
David Rockefeller, America's György Schwartz.
David Rockefeller, Luciferian. |
There is some dispute over whether the
below quote was stated, as is, from Rockefeller in initiating a NWO:
Some even believe we [Rockefeller family] are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - One World, if you will.If that's the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.
And there is there is what is attributed to Nick Rockefeller (same link as above):
'' The end goal is to get everybody chipped, to control the whole society, to have the bankers and the elite people control the world.''
Now, even if the above quotes are incorrect, the right economic crisis would easily put the USA in the hands of the Globalist Cabal.
"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered.... I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies.
Accurate or note, attributable to Jefferson or not - what more could be true?
Add another test tube to the experiment.
This time, India:
[updated December 3, 2016] - Long lines in India in front of banks and ATM machines is a common site now following the withdrawal of high denomination currency notes. Shortage of cash continues, as per news reports today, people who have lined up in front of banks for several hours either leave with only a small amount of money or no money at all as the amount of money allotted to the bank runs out. Several banks impose restrictions on the amount customers can withdraw and the facility to exchange foreign money is next to impossible.
Oh, the above scenarios could never happen in the U.S. It's just a matter of time.
Add another test tube in Venezuela, when part of their
currency was removed from circulation:
(Tuesday 13 December 2016 15.08 EST) Venezuelans flocked to banks across the country on Tuesday to ditch 100-bolivar bills after President Nicolás Maduro’s surprise move to pull them from circulation.
Becoming a Cashless Society is another step in the NWO taking charge of 100% of everything, including your (OUR!) freedoms:
The reason why this is taking place all over the planet is because this is a global agenda.
The globalists ultimately plan to completely eliminate cash, and this will give them an unprecedented level of control over humanity.
In the old days, you would be labeled a “conspiracy theorist” just for suggesting that they may try to chip all of us one day, but in 2017 things have completely changed.
Just look at what is happening in Nevada. A bill has been introduced in the state senate that would outlaw the “forced microchipping of people”…
More to come in this NWO/Cashless Society/REAL ID series.