Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Tuesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"In This World" by Moby, from 2002's 18.

They leave for Earth excitedly and happy only to return home, pretty much ignored, unwelcome and disappointed with the human race. Whoda thunk it?

Monday, March 3, 2025

Coming Attractions!

Soon, your Next Nothing Burger! 

SUGGESTION: Just DO Something. Don't tell us in advance, we'll hear about it, guaranteed! Raid someone or an agency. Arrest and book someone...anyone. Hold them in custody, no bond, labeling them a FLIGHT RISK. Let them sit in jail the entire time. Prosecute them and if found guilty, sentence them appropriately. Enough of announcing "something's going to happen." Shut up, Do It, Show Us.

Bondi-Epstein, Patel Memes; Short Stack.

Hey Pam Bondi, we're still waiting for you to release the Epstein Files, all of which she said, "are on her desk." 

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Thursday, February 27, 2025

Pam Bondi releases giant Nothing Burger.

The Independent: Jeffrey Epstein docs released and hyped by AG Pam Bondi spark anger and disappointment.

The US Attorney General releases flight logs and a partly-redacted contacts book related to the financier and sex offender[.]
Pam Bondi, the US Attorney General, has released what the Department of Justice called the “first phase of newly declassified files relating to the financier and sex abuser Jeffrey Epstein.

The 10 files include a series flight logs from the politically-connected sex offender’s private jet, plus a partly-redacted “contacts list.”
Former One America News Network host Liz Wheeler, one of the right-wing figures who got access to the newly released files, was also dismayed, and claimed the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of New York (SDNY) was hiding unspecified information.

“We’re talking recordings, evidence, etc. The juicy stuff. Names,” Wheeler wrote on X. “These swamp creatures at SDNY deceived Bondi, Kash, and YOU. Be outraged that the binder is boring. You should be. Because the evil deep state LIED TO YOUR FACE.”
The papers include an entirely redacted, 254-point list labeled “masseuses,” which notes that the entries are “redacted to protect potential victim information.”

"First Phase"? Until today, there were no mentions of releasing the Epstein List in "phases."

We could have had Matt Gaetz as USAG, but he's not controlled by AIPAC. But Pam Bondi and Anna Paulina LunaTick are.

By, "Deep State", Liz Wheeler means...you know...you know who she means. 

Get used to this. This is how it will be for the next four years. Sorry to inform you of this but you should have concluded this long ago. 

Bondi won't be dropping any bombs over the next four years. 

If your hopium is in Kash Patel and seeing Perp Walks, let alone any high-level politician, celeb, oversea "royalty" or any of the corrupt Dems and/or RINOs behind bars, you keep your mask tethered to the supplemental tank of hopium nearby. I'd love to be wrong and eat these words. Nothing is going to happen. 

If your hopium rests in Tulsi Gabbard, good luck. Clutch your chest and huff the hopium. 


Thursday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Vengeance Is Mine" by Alice Cooper, from 2008's Along Came a Spider.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Let's eat at FlyDining.

Daily Mail: Heart-stopping moment diners nearly plunge to their deaths from 'restaurant in the sky''.

The terrifying incident occurred at a concept restaurant in San Juan, Puerto Rico on Sunday as a group of guests sat suspended more than 100 feet in the air.

Footage taken by one diner showed the platform operated by FlyDining appear to buckle as guests screamed in horror high above the ground.
'In mid air at 100 feet the cable SNAPPED! In that moment, all I could do was pray and tell everyone to stay calm.'

In a separate video, another diner was seen pointing her camera toward the ground below and asking, 'Who signed me up for this?'

Within seconds, the clip showed, the platform became unstable.
FlyDining franchise owner Scott Zuckerman told El Nuevo Dia that there was no risk to the 13 guests or staff, who were safely lowered to the ground.

'A minor incident occurred where a safety rope used for wind protection was released, causing slight movement that led to the roof of the platform to make contact with the boom of the crane,' FlyDining Puerto Rico said in a statement posted on Instagram shortly after the incident Sunday.

'There were no structural failures or safety risks, and all systems remained secure.'

"...a slight movement..." 🙄 

Comment from the article:

Who would willingly do this? Contestants for a Darwin Award is my guess. 

Pam Bondi isn't going to do Jack Sh\t.

Not anyone on my BlogRoll, but for those other so-called "Conservative" bloggers and social media others, cheering on Zionist loyalist Bondi, your expectations are futile. Enjoy your dry fap. 🤣

LunaTick ⏬ 


Sunday, February 23, 2025

Oh, look, Anudder False Flag!

Daily Mail: 'Multiple' buses explode within minutes of each other in 'suspected terror attack' in Israel city centre.

Israel has narrowly avoided mass carnage after three empty buses exploded into fireballs on Thursday night, with officials warning the blazes could have been fatal but detonators' timers had been set for the wrong time.
Israeli forces quickly labelled the horror, which unfolded around 9pm local time, a 'suspected terror attack' as more bombs were found on other buses.

Boy, in just those two short excerpts, there are holes in their narrative you could drive the planet Jupiter through. What, "horror"? Some buses blew up, no one was near them, no nearby property suffered any major loss. 

"...narrowly avoided mass carnage..."  There wasn't anyone remotely close to the vicinity. 

It wasn't Hamas, Hezbollah or any other group doing this. They all denied Israel's baseless allegation. 

Well, well, well...What's this? 

The Cradle: Two Israelis detained in connection to Tel Aviv bus blasts.

Social media users suggested the explosions were a false flag to justify expanding Israel's military campaign in the occupied West Bank.

Two Israelis were arrested overnight on 20 February over their alleged involvement in planting explosives that detonated in empty buses in a parking lot in the Tel Aviv suburbs, Haaretz reported on 21 February.

The Israeli newspaper stated that the “two suspects have been transferred to the Shin Bet security agency for interrogation, though a court has issued a gag order on further details of the affair.”

On Thursday night, three explosive devices were set off on buses in Bat Yam at 9:00 pm. An additional device was found before it detonated in the nearby city of Holon.

Because the buses were empty, no casualties resulted.


Israeli politicians are seeking to ethnically cleanse the occupied West Bank (by “encouraging” its indigenous Palestinian inhabitants to “emigrate”) while also working to annex the territory and expand permanent Jewish settlements.

Buses explode, no one remotely nearby injured, no one killed, all captured on a surveillance camera conveniently placed in perfect alignment to record this act of terrorism False Flag. This was the tip-off that made me know, not suspect, total False Flag Event. We'll probably never hear from, or see, these two "suspects" again or  know the outcome of any of this.

Another in an going series of Israeli False Flags. Pay attention, more to come!  

Every. Single. Time. 


"Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it."

Hebrews 13:2

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Saturday Night Cars and Trucks.

For reading the print in the ads, the more legible view seems (to me, anyway) is clicking on the image itself. Some of the other images also appear better clicking on the images and scrolling R/L. Sometimes the view is best vertically, as in scrolling down the actual post, other times either/or. I don't know why this is. Use the method that works best for your viewing. But, the videos don't appear in the "view by clicking on the image" option and are viewable only in vertical blog-post style. 👍 

More Cars, Trucks and Vehicular Accessories after the PageBreak. ⏬ 

Friday, February 21, 2025

How do you pronounce Inshallah in Hebrew?

Information Liberation: Jewish Man 'Attacks Jewish Woman With An Axe After Mistaking Her For a Christian'.

It appears this is becoming a trend.
Another miami [sic] like incident: Yesterday an Israeli in Jerusalem assaulted a 50 year old israeli [sic] woman with an axe because he thought she was a christian [sic] pic.twitter
 (Note: if you click through above there's a somewhat graphic picture of the bloody axe.)

Hebrew article about the event:


— Lior (@Wollybon) February 20, 2025
A 50-year-old woman was attacked in her home in the Old City of Jerusalem this evening (Wednesday) by a man armed with an axe, was moderately injured and was taken to Shaare Zedek Hospital in the city. . The background to the incident is unclear.The attacker did not harm the woman's five daughters who were in the house, he shouted in Hebrew "She is a Christian" as he left the apartment and fled.

Amitai Lipshitz, a neighbor of the woman who lives in the apartment above her, told Here News: "I heard terrible screams from the apartment below and when we went out to see what was happening, we saw a man leaving the place shouting 'She's a Christian.'"


As noted above, a Jewish man in Miami on Sunday was arrested for allegedly shooting two Israelis he mistook for Palestinians.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Florida Man shoots two people for, "being Palestinians."

The shooter is Jewish. The people he shot weren't Palestinians. They're Jewish too! Teh Irony.


WPLG Local 10: Police: Man opens fire on vehicle in Miami Beach after saying he ‘saw two Palestinians’

A Miami Beach man was arrested on Saturday for allegedly opening fire on another vehicle and striking two people inside.
[...] Mordechai Brafman, 27, was seen on surveillance video driving south on Pine Tree Drive and then making a U-turn at 48th Street before driving by the victim’s vehicle, which was in the left lane, and stopping directly in front of them in the right lane.
[...] the shooting was unprovoked and the victims and Brafman did not know each other.
In his arrest form, police said that Brafman “spontaneously stated that while he was driving his truck, he saw two Palestinians and shot and killed both.
Brafman is facing two charges of attempted second degree murder.


NBC Miami: Man faces attempted murder charges after shooting 2 in Miami Beach.

The victims' vehicle, the report said, was shot 17 times and struck both people inside.

Fired 17 times?!? That's intent to kill in my book. 

Is it a hate crime when a Jew's defense is he shot people because he, "thought they were Palestinians"? Sure it is. You know it'd be a hate crime if roles were reversed and the shooter is Palestinian and the victims are Jewish. 

Is it anti-semiiiiiiiiiitic when a Jew shoots other Jews? Does that qualify? Or will ol' Mordechai play The Victim Card?

Where are the ADL, SPLC and JDL? They're awfully quiet on this story.

Sunday Night Memes; Short Stack.

Really, nothing "Sensitive" or Controversial after the PageBreak, but just in case...for all the shrieking Pearl Clutcherz out there...

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Thursday, February 13, 2025

What is it?

I don't know what the image is either. All I know is replies at Chans crack me up. 
"Fema Camps 2 Electric Boogaloo." 🤣  

Thursday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Way Down Now" by World Party, from 1990's Goodbye Jumbo.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

It's the same time now as it was before.

And the same time as four years from now.

It's what I call The Jim Jordan Routine. Talk, talk, talk, talk. Write sternly worded letter. Investigate, investigate, investigate. Nothing happens. Talk, talk, talk, talk. Do nothing. Appear on media-friendly political programs. Frown, convey to the public that justice is coming soon. Nothing happens. Move onto Talking about The Current Thing. Talk, talk, talk. Send sternly worded letter. Threaten subpoenas.  Investigate, investigate, investigate. Nothing happens. Wait, wait, wait. "Two More Weeks." Look at calendar. It's 2028. 


Wednesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"It's Only Rock 'n Roll (But I Like It)" by The Rolling Stones, from 1974's It's Only Rock 'n Roll.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Marijuana Breathalyzer Technology.

Sates legalize, sell and tax pot. Then states get more revenue from arresting you for driving under the influence. See how it works?

A federal agency this spring will convene government officials, forensics experts, academics, industry representatives, law enforcement and standards organizations for what it describes as “an open and candid discussion” about “the path forward to realize meaningful cannabis breathalyzer technology and implementation.”

The two-day event, hosted by the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), which is part of the U.S. Department of Commerce, is scheduled to be held in Boulder, Colorado, on April 16 and 17.
Unlike with alcohol, there’s currently no widely accepted field test to determine whether someone is under the influence of marijuana.

In 2023, a federally funded report by researchers at NIST and the University of Colorado Boulder concluded that evidence does “not support the idea that detecting THC in breath as a single measurement could reliably indicate recent cannabis use.”

“A lot more research is needed to show that a cannabis breathalyzer can produce useful results,” Kavita Jeerage, a NIST materials research engineer and co-author of the report, said at the time. “A breathalyzer test can have a huge impact on a person’s life, so people should have confidence that the results are accurate.”

More recently, a U.S. Department of Justice researcher cast doubt on whether a person’s THC levels are even a reliable indicator of impairment.

States may need to “get away from that idea,” Frances Scott, a physical scientist at the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) Office of Investigative and Forensic Sciences under DOJ, said on a podcast early last year.

Scott questioned the efficacy of setting “per se” THC limits for driving that some states have enacted, making it so a person can be charged with driving while impaired based on the concentration of cannabis components in their system. Ultimately, there may not be a way to assess impairment from THC like we do for alcohol, she said.

One complication is that “if you have chronic users versus infrequent users, they have very different concentrations correlated to different effects,” Scott said. “So the same effect level, if you will, will be correlated with a very different concentration of THC in the blood of a chronic user versus an infrequent user.”

That issue was also examined in a federally funded study last year that identified two different methods of more accurately testing for recent THC use that accounts for the fact that metabolites of the cannabinoid can stay present in a person’s system for weeks or months after consumption.

“The consensus is that there is no linear relationship of blood THC to driving,” [a study preprint posted on The Lancet by an eight-author team representing Canada’s Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Health Canada and Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia identified and assessed a dozen peer-reviewed studies concluded]. “This is surprising given that blood THC is used to detect cannabis-impaired driving.”

Most states where cannabis is legal measure THC intoxication by whether or not someone’s blood THC levels are below a certain cutoff. The study’s findings suggest that relying on blood levels alone may not accurately reflect whether someone’s driving is impaired.

Of the 12 papers included in the present review,” authors wrote, “ten found no correlation between blood THC and any measure of driving, including [standard deviation of lateral position (SDLP)], speed, car following, reaction time, or overall driving performance.
Evan [sic] as far back as 2015, a U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) concluded that it’s “difficult to establish a relationship between a person’s THC blood or plasma concentration and performance impairing effects,” adding that “it is inadvisable to try and predict effects based on blood THC concentrations alone.”

In a separate report last year, NHTSA said there’s “relatively little research” backing the idea that THC concentration in the blood can be used to determine impairment, again calling into question laws in several states that set “per se” limits for cannabinoid metabolites.

Monday, February 10, 2025

Sunday, February 9, 2025


1 Corinthians 15:1-11:

Over 500 people at one time saw Jesus after His resurrection.

Over a period of 40 days up to the day Jesus went back Home He was seen by, and talked to a number of individuals.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Saturday Night Ye REEEEE!

Remember what started all this. Kanye's trainer handler Cueball Harley ))) Pasternak ((( threatening to AGAIN have Ye involuntarily locked up and drugged.  

NY Post (2022): Harley Pasternak threatens to ‘institutionalize’ Kanye West: ‘Back to Zombieland’.


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Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Tuesday's Alice Morning Music Video

Happy 77thAlice ! 🎈 

"Independence Dave" by Alice Cooper, from 2021's Detroit Stories.  

^^ The Lyrics are a riot. 🤣

"No More Mr. Nice Guy"; 2013 Concert; Wacken, Germany.

"Bed of Nails" by Alice Cooper, from 1989's Trash


More Alice music/videos ⏩  HERE.  

Saturday, February 1, 2025

Schumer under investigation.

RVM News: Chuck Schumer Under Investigation for Threats Against Supreme Court Justices

In a letter dated January 21, 2025, [Interim D.C. U.S. Attorney Ed] Martin confirmed that a “preliminary inquiry” had been opened into Schumer’s statements.

“We take threats against public officials very seriously. I look forward to your cooperation,” Martin wrote in the letter, which was addressed directly to Schumer.

Schumer has previously made comments suggesting political retribution against opponents.

In 2017, during the early stages of the Russia investigation, he warned that President Donald Trump was making a mistake by challenging U.S. intelligence agencies.

Let me tell you, you take on the intelligence community, they have six ways from Sunday at getting back at you,” Schumer said in an interview with MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow.

Good. Put everything this traitor has done and said under a microscope. Let him spend the next four years and all his waking hours defending himself in a series of multiple, ongoing investigations. Let's hope Adam Schiff gets the same treatment.

Friday, January 31, 2025

No MSM coverage here.

Do a search on the story. Zero coverage from MSM. Where's MSN.com, who grabs headlines from other sources and seems to be the main feed and outlet for all news that reads the same "copy/paste" narratives? What's different? It's a mystery.

Turkiye Today: Ultra-Orthodox Jewish cult leader arrested in Guatemala on child abuse, human trafficking charges.

Yoel Alter, a prominent leader of the ultra-Orthodox Jewish cult, Lev Tahor, was arrested in Guatemala following an operation led by Interpol. The arrest comes amid allegations of child abuse and human trafficking, which have been tied to the controversial group.

Israel National News: Suspected human trafficking: Senior Lev Tahor member arrested.

The arrest comes at the height of a crisis surrounding the cult in Guatemala where 148 children are being held after they were separated from their parents who are suspected of severe abuse.

According to the authorities, the cult's young mothers are suspected of starving their children at the behest of the cult's leadership in an attempt to put pressure on the government.

Alter is the second cult member to be arrested in Central America in the past month.

Undercoverist: Lev Tahor Leader Yoel Alter Arrested in Guatemala on Human Trafficking Charges.

The 35-year-old [Yoel] Alter was taken into custody in Guatemala after Mexico requested his extradition. He faces serious human trafficking charges in Mexico and appeared in a Guatemalan court, where he was detained. Alter is expected to be extradited to Mexico for trial in the near future.

Lev Tahor, founded in Israel in 1988, has long been under scrutiny for its involvement in child abuse, forced marriages of minors, and human trafficking. The cult has been operating in Guatemala and Mexico since 2014, with a history of controversial and criminal activities.

"...after Mexico requested extradition." Hmm... Extradition so Mexico's president Claudia Sheinbaum can return Alter to Israel, a safe haven for Jewish pedophiles? That's the Chans chatter.

Continue reading after the Pagebreak

Who was POTUS in 2016? Different angle of Black Hawk/American Airlines collision.

But Liberals blame Trump for the Black Hawk-American Airlines jet collision because..."reasons"... all based on political ideology division, or, as we know it, TDS.

CNN released this different angle of the collision. It looks like the Black Hawk is making a beeline towards the airplane. 

Yesterday Trump said the helicopter was flying at too high an altitude. The Left retorted: "LIAR! THAT'S FALSE." Today, the NTSB confirmed what Trump said.

Liberals can't be trusted.

BREAKING NEWSPlane crash in Northeast Philadelphia leaves multiple houses on fire, causes explosion.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Trump-bashing Candorville cartoonist arrested for child p0rn0graphy.

NY Post: Trump-bashing, Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist arrested on child porn charges.

A Trump-bashing, Pulitzer Prize-winning political cartoonist — whose illustrations have been published by the Washington Post, New Yorker and Los Angeles Times — was arrested for possession of child pornography.

Darrin Bell, the first African American to win the Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartoons, was busted Wednesday and booked in California’s Sacramento County after detectives from the Internet Crimes Against Children unit were tipped off by the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, law enforcement officials said.

In a search of Bell’s home, detectives found 134 videos of child pornography linked to an account owned and controlled by the 49-year-old married father of four as well as computer-generated artificial intelligence child pornography, authorities said Thursday.

Wiki: Darrin Bell bio.

Black and Jewish? "Yo-Yo, Rabbi, Shuditdown, Knowwhatimsayin!"

Bell was the cartoonist of Candorville. A lame comic strip that, by comparison, makes "Family Circus" appear as the Sistine Chapel ceiling.

The Desk: Newspapers drop “Candorville” comic after arrest of cartoonist Darrin Bell.

I'm sure this is a complete shock to everyone who knows, and whoever met, Darrin Bell. No one knew anything. No one was remotely suspicious of anything. Riiiiiiiiiiiiight. Sure. Hope authorities can tie the data to all the others involved.

Bell cartoon ⏬ ; "accuse others of what you're doing." 

Wednesday's Friday Morning Music Video

"Ship of Fools" by World Party, from 1987's Private Revolution.

I like this video, it has so many Lynchian elements in it.

RIP Karl.

Prior to creating (the incredibly under-rated) World Party, Karl performed with The Waterboys, if you recall "Fisherman's Blues". He also collaborated with everyone from David Bowie to Bob Geldof and Peter Gabriel

Meaning behind the Lyrics? Heh, you're on your own. Scroll to the comments at THIS LINK for ideas of what others think the lyrics mean.

by meg; 17y ago

i think this song is painfully underrated.


Another comment:

by finepearl 16y ago

I agree, now look at how weird it is that they leave the mention of sodom out of the lyrics [ True. The lyrics page negated that word for some reason. - DD ]  written above. Line 5 after the verse that starts with avarice and greed. It really goes, "but I'm sure you'll fill your sodom like I knew you would."

There's also this interpretation of the lyrics at American Songwriter

More on World Party after the PageBreak. ⏬ 

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Not on the Hegseth train.

This is why. ⏬ 

Is this ^^ where this is going? This is why you need to see where this is going ⏩ ⏩ with Pete Hegseth and others. He's another AIPAC blueprint. The U.S. Military needs white American men who will, in the future, be ordered into combat, defending Israel and/or Ukraine. Or some other country that has nothing to do with us, and another endless war or conflict is upon us. Don't enlist white men; Resist.

Do you think the war profiteers are going to give up their cash cows?

Breitbart: Recruitment Will Go ‘Through the Roof’ with Pete Hegseth at the Helm

^^ Don't fall for recruitment. ^^

Middle East Eye: Next US defence secretary Pete Hegseth called for new Jewish temple at Al-Aqsa.

The U.S. is home to over 4 million adult Jews. Let them defend their home country.

Wiki: American Jews.

As of 2020, the American Jewish population is estimated at 7.5 million people, accounting for 2.4% of the total US population. This includes 4.2 million adults who identify their religion as Jewish[.]

WRAI: Jewish population by state

The approximate number of Jews in the United States is about 7,2 (is confirmed by 2022 census) to 10 million (which, incidentally, also makes it the country with the largest Jewish population in the world[.]

Let Israel and Jews fight their own wars. The same applies to Ukraine. 

Radio Free EuropeWhy Do Ukrainians Oppose Lowering The Conscription Age?

^^ Both the Biden and Trump Administrations are encouraging Ukraine to lower their draft age from 25 to 18. Read the RFE story. Ukrainians are against this. Who can blame them? 

I don't think any country, including ours, has any business weighing in on the recruitment age of any other nation. It's no other country's business. 

To the adult Ukrainian-Americans living in the U.S.? High-tail it to ZelenskyLand and strap on the war boots. And any other Warmonger-American who support endless wars, because "muh home/ancestral country", that don't involve the U.S.? You all go first.

U.S. Census Bureau: More Than One Million Americans Report Ukrainian Ancestry.

Don't ignore the Tap Sign Meme. It's the truth.