Sunday, December 29, 2024

Jimmy Carter dead; age 100.

Breitbart: Jimmy Carter Dies at 100; Oldest President in U.S. History.

The Liberals grieving his death, real tears or fake, will be non-stop, massive, repeated ad nauseam, drooling series of Talking Points. 

Let's get some platitudes out of the way:

"The Carter Habitat for Humanity."

"Carter was a champion of civil rights..."

"His dedication to human rights."

"Tireless worker for clean air and water."

"The Carter Habitat for Humanity."

"Carter was a champion of civil rights..."

"The Carter Habitat for Humanity."

"The Carter Habitat for Humanity."

"a champion of civil rights..."

"The Carter Habitat for Humanity."

"The Carter Habitat for Humanity."

"The Carter Habitat for Humanity."


"a champion of civil rights..."

The Liberal deification of Carter will be deafening. Democrats will milk his death politically for all it's worth. Squeeze one final gasp from a corpse, as Liberals do. Never let a crisis or the death of a fellow club member go to waste. Exploit it for all it's worth.

Carter entered the White House because of the whole Ford-Nixon-Pardon-Watergate scandal created by ))) people ((( who were determined to undermine and oust Nixon. Carter had the blessing from the Council of Foreign Relations, and in return, he brought the U.S. closer to Globalism and the NWO.

He was a weak leader on the world stage: His disastrous hostage crisis. The first president to usher what is now a common refrain from other NWO NGOs to Americans: "Make do with less." Three Mile Island happened during his Admin. Interest rates, inflation and prices skyrocketed. 

His foreign policies were disastrous. Carter depleted our Military. The Carter Center, claiming its goal is bringing truthful inspection and reporting on voting results and transparency and integrity to elections, did nothing it claimed. It was a Front giving validation to whoever leader was installed by ))) TPTB (((. 

His domestic policies devastated the U.S. mining and energy industries, among others, with harsh environmental oversight, regulations and penalties.

He gave away the Panama Canal.

Even rabbits didn't like or trust him 🤣: On This Day (April 20, 1979): Jimmy Carter Attacked by a Rabbit.


Carter is grateful to Biden. Carter is now the second-worst U.S. President of all-time.

God Bless Carter, may he RIP, he had a long life. But don't ask me to play along with the Left's Narrative canonizing the peanut farmer-failed president.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

No, he's 3rd worst. Buchanan is number 2 now.