Monday, October 14, 2024

National Guard servicemen can't help loved ones in devastated North Carolina.

Because they've been deployed to...take a f#cking guess where.

Viewer Discretion Advised: Video after the Pagebreak may contain "Sensitive" Content and adult and strong language. NSFW.

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Absolutely heart-breaking to listen to this poor man, what he and others are going through.


^ Disgusting, Satanic Parasites...ALL of them. ^

F#ck Israel, the Synagogue of Satan (Revelation 2:9 and 3:9.). F#ck the supporters of Israel, F#ck genocidal Netanyahu and his cabal. 

You American-based keyboard warriors who cry, "muh Israel," log off your PC, get off your fat asses, book a flight for Israel and join the IDF. Why don't you? Why are you here in the U.S.? You constantly kvetch about how terrible and Godless America is - - - yet you stay here? Why? GTFOH and move to your beloved Israel. We won't miss you, not one f#cking bit, I promise.

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