RT: US is hostage to Israel – NATO state.
Washington’s tendency to serve the Jewish state has become “an accepted fact of life,” Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan says.
Israel has been so successful in lobbying the US political establishment that Washington essentially does the bidding of West Jerusalem, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan has said.
“In other words, we said that if Israel is not stopped, it will carry this war to other places... It seems that there is a serious desire in Israel, among [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu and his team, to expand the war to the region, and they are trying to advance this,” he said.
He went on to accuse the US of turning a blind eye to West Jerusalem’s actions, claiming that “Zionism has taken root in American politics.”
“The fact that the entire power of the American state has been transformed into a structure that serves Israel… is no longer a disturbing issue here, but has become an accepted fact of life. This, of course, makes sane Americans incredibly uncomfortable,” Fidan said.

For those who endlessly support the Zionist, apartheid nation is Israel citing the Book of Zechariah as evidence, remember this: God will destroy Israel before restoring it. Why? Because modern day Israel isn't God's Israel.
Just like so many Jews who, in the Old Testament repeatedly, "hardened their hearts towards God", Israel will not escape God's wrath.
Book of Amos:
Israel Will Be Destroyed
9 I saw the Lord standing by the altar, and he said:
“Smash the top of the pillars
so that even the bottom of the doors will shake.
Make the pillars fall on the people’s heads;
anyone left alive I will kill with a sword.
Not one person will get away;
no one will escape.
If they dig down as deep as the place of the dead,
I will pull them up from there.
If they climb up into heaven,
I will bring them down from there.
If they hide at the top of Mount Carmel,
I will find them and take them away.
If they try to hide from me at the bottom of the sea,
I will command a snake to bite them.
If they are captured and taken away by their enemies,
I will command the sword to kill them.
I will keep watch over them,
but I will keep watch to give them trouble, not to do them good.”
The Lord God All-Powerful touches the land,
and the land shakes.
Then everyone who lives in the land cries for the dead.
The whole land rises like the Nile River
and falls like the river of Egypt.
The Lord builds his upper rooms above the skies;
he sets their foundations on the earth.
He calls for the waters of the sea
and pours them out on the land.
The Lord is his name.
7 The Lord says,
“Israel, you are no different to me than the people of Cush.
I brought Israel out of the land of Egypt,
and the Philistines from Crete,
and the Arameans from Kir.
I, the Lord God, am watching the sinful kingdom Israel.
I will destroy it
from off the earth,
but I will not completely destroy
Jacob’s descendants,” says the Lord.
“I am giving the command
to scatter the nation of Israel among all nations.
It will be like someone shaking grain through a strainer,
but not even a tiny stone falls through.
All the sinners among my people
will die by the sword—
those who say,
‘Nothing bad will happen to us.’
Netanyahu rumored to be dead or injured (head injury) has been circulating on alt-media for days. If he suffers a second head injury and survives, will this denote him as the anti-Christ?
Revelation 13:3:
The antichrist’s power and authority will become very great, but then something terrible will happen. In the word-picture, John describes this as a terrible injury to one of the beast’s seven heads. That could mean a physical injury or a loss of power. It will seem as if the antichrist cannot recover. However, the antichrist will recover by the devil’s power; in fact, he will become even stronger. Now his authority over the whole world will be complete.
[.] ... the antichrist will carry out all kinds of lying wonders. Wonders are acts that astonish people; they seem to have no natural explanation. The word ‘lying’ there does not mean that these things will not really happen. It means that these events will teach the people a lie. The lie is that they should serve the devil. Jesus called the devil ‘the father of lies’ (John 8:44). In the end, all lies come from the devil (see 1 John 2:18-26).