Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Which is it?

Fuentes supports Trump

"Nick Fuentes is a right-wing, Trump-lovng, Hitler-loving, Jew Hater." 

Fuentes supports Harris

"Nick Fuentes is a left-wing, Harris-lovng, Hitler-loving, Jew Hater."

Which is it? 🤣 

It didn't take long for the Amish reaction on social media. They're all flipping out. They think they recognize every single psy-op microaggression - but not this one.  Intentional blindness. Tunnel Vision. It's deliberate. The more attention they give this the larger the Noticing.

Now they're calling for Candace Owens to be banned from X (Twitter). Why? What TOS did she break? What is it, specifically, that she's lying about, that warrants being banned?

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MORE after the Pagebreak ⏬ 


Is Owens lying when she says Israel pours a lot of cash into the U.S. government and holds enormous influence over U.S. politicians? AIPAC admits this. Where's the lie?

Is she lying about a high ratio of U.S. politicians holding Israel dual citizenship? Where's the lie? Off the top of my head, I recognize one-third of those below listed are still in office. Admitting some of those listed have died or left office, others have taken their place. 

Riddle me this: Why doesn't AIPAC spend any money trying to defeat Illhan Omar? AIPAC has spent MILLIONS to defeat other Squad members, but not against Omar.  Hmmmm.  Any thoughts? 

Owens' father-in-law Mike Farmer defends Israel. But WAIT - - - 

- - - THERE'S MORE: 

Oh. No vested interest on the part of Mr. Farmer. "Please move along, nothing to see here. Notice Nothing." 

Why can't there be speculation and questions asked about evidence pointing to JFK being assassinated by Israel? VIDEO HERE. (Videos on Gab can take moment to load, be patient). 

Why should the U.S. invest its treasure and, often blood, for Israel? Why is it up to us to fight Iran, or any one else, on their behalf?

Is Owens lying about the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty? What part(s) are lies?

What has she said about the Talmud that's false? Point out the lies. 

Is it lie when she states they've been exiled approximately 109 times in history from various countries and territories? 

Is she lying when she states Israel is a safe-haven for ped0philes

Is Owens lying when stating a fact that Rabbi Shmuley's daughter sells adult toys? How would you feel if the daughter (or son) of your pastor or leader of your place of worship ran a sex service? Why isn't that newsworthy? 

I'm surprised this Wiki entry (below) hasn't been scrubbed: 

The Good Rabbi files an FBI complaint against her. For what? Free Speech on X?  

Here he is holding a product box from his daughter's factory.

They can't point out any lies, so...trot out the usual...[INERT NAME THIS TIME IT'S], "Candace Owens Hates Jews." She gets the Marlon Brando, Michael Jackson, Mel Gibson, Kanye, Roger Waters - treatment. This happened before when she left Ben Shapiro's site, Daily SomethingorOther.

How about the term being against "Zionist Imperialism." Is that more accurate?

They're used to being able to have total power in suppressing Free Speech but The Noticing continues. Why do they want to ban TikTok? Because they don't own it and TikTok is where the organic mainstream of The Noticing started. 

They keep self-inflicting their own Meme. They're not stupid, they realize this. They don't care, they just want it shut down.

Hey...let's ask AI to solve this!

Oh. Maybe let's not ask AI? 🤣

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