Saturday, October 6, 2018

Susan Collins is now a "betrayer of women."

Susan Collins, U.S. Senator - Maine (kinda-pretend-sometimes Republican) has said she will vote to nominate Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Because Senator Collins recognizes there is no substantial, let alone remote circumstantial evidence, that Kavanaugh is guilty of the alleged accusations of Dr. Christine Ford...Collins is now labeled a "betrayer."

Celebrities to Collins, "You are a betrayer of women."

Susan Rice scolds Collins for "Her betrayal of women."

More celebs turn caustic towards Collins. Lifezette:
...director Rob Reiner was just as extreme in his reaction.

He wrote, “Susan Collins turns her back on women who have been traumatized by sexual assault. Elections have consequences. To start turning the ship of state back towards the rule of law, decency, truth, and the preservation of Democracy, Nov. 6 has to be a lot more than a blue wave. VOTE!!!”
Law? Decency? Truth? WTF is wrong with Meat Head, anyway?

Collins is a "betrayer of Maine voters."

Planned Parenthood calls Collins, a "betrayer of people everywhere." Everywhere? Really, now...everywhere?

All this is good news. When I hear Libs whining this loudly and to this extent, I know something is going right.

Let's hope Collins doesn't bow to pressure.

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